A man is lucky if he is the first love of a woman.
A woman is lucky is she is the last love of a man.
Is It True????
*p/s: hurm,. so, am i lucky..?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
zaman skolah..
skang ni pegi mane-mane shopping complex pn, msti ade sales tuk barang2 skolah.. zaman skolah dlu, time gini la paling best skali.. shopping baju, kasut, beg and buku skolah baru.. :D
kite je lah yg best, mak ayah yg habis duit, garu kepala yg x gatal.. hehe..
mase zaman skolah dlu, bukan main malas lg nk bangun pagi pegi skolah.. satu lg, merungut sb hari2 kena pakai baju skolah,. nape xleh pakai je baju biase g skolah..? tapi skang ni, ble tgk baju and kasut skolah kt kedai, rase teringin nk pakai blek.. hehe.. tu la manusia kan..? slalu x hargai pe yg ade..

dlu kite slalu mcm.. mayb just for some of us.. i don't hate school, i just hate homework.. :P
but there are some who really love going to school..
this is how i feel about school nowadays.. tempat kite dapat true friends, life with no worries, xyah pk pe2.. just focus on the study..
kite je lah yg best, mak ayah yg habis duit, garu kepala yg x gatal.. hehe..
mase zaman skolah dlu, bukan main malas lg nk bangun pagi pegi skolah.. satu lg, merungut sb hari2 kena pakai baju skolah,. nape xleh pakai je baju biase g skolah..? tapi skang ni, ble tgk baju and kasut skolah kt kedai, rase teringin nk pakai blek.. hehe.. tu la manusia kan..? slalu x hargai pe yg ade..

dlu kite slalu mcm.. mayb just for some of us.. i don't hate school, i just hate homework.. :P
but there are some who really love going to school..

*p/s: miss my schoolmates so much.. especially my ismailianz geng.. :)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
~main masak-masak~
urm,. pe aktiviti korang cuti ni..?
asah bakat tdo, main game, jalan-jalan makan angin, or jadi surirumah berwawasan..? :)
okeyh, tu lah sume keje yg aku wt cuti ni,. lagi 2 minggu dh nk buka semester baru.. berat hati nk buka sem ni.. mau cuti selama nyer.. hihi..
okeyh, aku nk cite pasal masak. korang sume terer masak tak..? x kira la laki ke pompuan, at least korang msti tau gak cane nk masak air or megi kan.. aku plak dlm kategori sederhana bab-bab masak ni,, asal org yg makan makanan yg aku masak x mati sb keracunan makanan pn kire okay la tu.. :D
tuk kaum hawa, skill memasak ni penting tuk future.. ehem ehem,. bukan tuk suami je lah, tuk diri sendiri jugak.. so, time cuti gni la mase tuk mengasah bakat memasak korang,. ade 2 minggu b4 buka sem ni, praktis la byk2 ek.. aku skang ni pn main masak-masak tiap hari sb jawatan ku time cuti ni sbgai bibik yg x bertauliah.. :P
okeyh, video ni dari Super Junior H - Cooking Cooking.. dlm mv ni, lirik die cite pasal girlfriend die yg cantik tp x pandai masak.. enjoy!
*p/s: nk blaja buat pizza la.. :)
asah bakat tdo, main game, jalan-jalan makan angin, or jadi surirumah berwawasan..? :)
okeyh, tu lah sume keje yg aku wt cuti ni,. lagi 2 minggu dh nk buka semester baru.. berat hati nk buka sem ni.. mau cuti selama nyer.. hihi..
okeyh, aku nk cite pasal masak. korang sume terer masak tak..? x kira la laki ke pompuan, at least korang msti tau gak cane nk masak air or megi kan.. aku plak dlm kategori sederhana bab-bab masak ni,, asal org yg makan makanan yg aku masak x mati sb keracunan makanan pn kire okay la tu.. :D
tuk kaum hawa, skill memasak ni penting tuk future.. ehem ehem,. bukan tuk suami je lah, tuk diri sendiri jugak.. so, time cuti gni la mase tuk mengasah bakat memasak korang,. ade 2 minggu b4 buka sem ni, praktis la byk2 ek.. aku skang ni pn main masak-masak tiap hari sb jawatan ku time cuti ni sbgai bibik yg x bertauliah.. :P
okeyh, video ni dari Super Junior H - Cooking Cooking.. dlm mv ni, lirik die cite pasal girlfriend die yg cantik tp x pandai masak.. enjoy!
*p/s: nk blaja buat pizza la.. :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Do you like being alone..? Maybe some people prefers to be alone and some are not.. it's depends on the situation actually,. for me, i like to spend time alone, well... not exactly alone but together with my mp3 player..
yesterday, i went to The Mines with my cousin, but since she's meeting her friend, so i decided to enjoy myself alone.. :) Aren't you happy when you are alone at such place..? there's so many things that u can do,. so, firstly i watched movie,. i don't have any movie that i want to watch since The Tourist and Rango haven't come out yet.. then, just take any movie ticket that are available, and the winner is Ngangkung.. hehe.. i know, it's kind of late to watch this movie,.
this movie genre is comedy and horror.. i planned to laugh when watching this movie but u know what? i can't.. the girl beside me close her eyes and face with her handbag, and she seems really scared of that movie,. i know, the ghost in that movie is quite scary, but the situation is hilarious.. a scary looking ghost posing like a model outside of your car.. that's why the uncle behind me laughed really hard,. try imagine, looking at the girl beside you who are so scared combine with listening to that uncle's laugh, i don't know whether to be scared or laugh.. haishh, when i think back of that time, i should have just focus on that movie rite..?
after the confused movie, i eat takoyaki,. never tried it before and not gonna eat it in the future.. :P it's not that takoyaki is not tasty, but it's just me that don't like the taste.. next stop, bowling,. n after that, i went to eat sizzling,. done! An episode of "A day with Ana".. hehe,.
When i'm at Langkawi, since we are tired from the trip to the nearest island at Langkawi, we decided to just rest during the night,. but then, i feel really bored, so i went out alone.. hehe,. i went to Langkawi Parade just a few blocks from the hotel.. it's fun to go out alone at night, and in the stranger town.. u can explore everything around you without no one to tell u what to do and so on.. am i weird..?
well then, that's all for now,. actually there's a lot more episode of "A day with Ana" but i can't tell u all of it.. babai ;P
*p/s: if anyone wants to accompany me next time, it's my pleasure.. :)
yesterday, i went to The Mines with my cousin, but since she's meeting her friend, so i decided to enjoy myself alone.. :) Aren't you happy when you are alone at such place..? there's so many things that u can do,. so, firstly i watched movie,. i don't have any movie that i want to watch since The Tourist and Rango haven't come out yet.. then, just take any movie ticket that are available, and the winner is Ngangkung.. hehe.. i know, it's kind of late to watch this movie,.
this movie genre is comedy and horror.. i planned to laugh when watching this movie but u know what? i can't.. the girl beside me close her eyes and face with her handbag, and she seems really scared of that movie,. i know, the ghost in that movie is quite scary, but the situation is hilarious.. a scary looking ghost posing like a model outside of your car.. that's why the uncle behind me laughed really hard,. try imagine, looking at the girl beside you who are so scared combine with listening to that uncle's laugh, i don't know whether to be scared or laugh.. haishh, when i think back of that time, i should have just focus on that movie rite..?
after the confused movie, i eat takoyaki,. never tried it before and not gonna eat it in the future.. :P it's not that takoyaki is not tasty, but it's just me that don't like the taste.. next stop, bowling,. n after that, i went to eat sizzling,. done! An episode of "A day with Ana".. hehe,.
When i'm at Langkawi, since we are tired from the trip to the nearest island at Langkawi, we decided to just rest during the night,. but then, i feel really bored, so i went out alone.. hehe,. i went to Langkawi Parade just a few blocks from the hotel.. it's fun to go out alone at night, and in the stranger town.. u can explore everything around you without no one to tell u what to do and so on.. am i weird..?
well then, that's all for now,. actually there's a lot more episode of "A day with Ana" but i can't tell u all of it.. babai ;P
*p/s: if anyone wants to accompany me next time, it's my pleasure.. :)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Trader

don't u think that Prince Caspien looks like Takenouchi Yutaka..? u know, that japanese actor who star in the drama The Beach Boys.. hehe.. or is it just me who think so..
btw, in this movie, peter n susan are not included in the story.. only Lucy and edmund that still go to Narnia, and this time they bring along their funny cousin, Eustace.. when they arrive at Narnia, they meet Prince Caspien.. and begin their adventures in Narnia,. this time, they have to save the people of Narnia from the Dark Island.. i'll spoil the movie, if i tell u the full story, just go watch it for urself okeyh.. :P
*p/s: sorry, the 2nd part for escape to langkawi is not going to be posted,. malas nk menaip.. :P
Thursday, December 9, 2010
okeyh,... result kuar ari ni.. tepat jam 12 tghari aku cek,.. n Alhamdulillah, paper yg aku target repeat tu, sume pass wlaupun x brape jaya,,. :P
sedeh jgk sebenrnya sb cgpa dh makin trun,. hurm.. kuciwa.. :(
*p/s: best kalo ade doremon, bleh suh putarkan mase,,
sedeh jgk sebenrnya sb cgpa dh makin trun,. hurm.. kuciwa.. :(
*p/s: best kalo ade doremon, bleh suh putarkan mase,,
~escape to Langkawi Island part 1~
so, pendekkan cite.. sy g pulau langkawi for 3H2M dari 05 Dis - 07 Dis 2010.. sy pegi dgn pak n mak sdara sy,.. bertolak dr putrajaya kul 7pg n smpai kt jeti kuala kedah kul 1.30 tghari.. so, kami pn bli la tiket feri yg kul2.30 sb feri ade sejam skali.. lepak dlu, makan2 kt jeti tgu feri dtg..
kul 2.30, naik feri g langkawi,. mula2 runsing jgk tkot mabuk laut, tp duk dalam feri tu tak rase pe2 pn.. nasib baik la tak mabuk,, then, smpai kt langkawi dlm pkul 3.45,. oh, lupe nk bgtau, tket feri untuk dewasa rm23, n untuk kanak-kanak rm17.. ni harga tket sehala je, kalo pegi blek, kira la sdri ek.. :)
smpai je langkawi, kena la sewa kete, sb kete dh tgal kt jeti kuala kedah td,. satu lg, tgal kete kt kuala kedah kena byr parking rm20 tuk 2 hari,. so, sape2 yg nk g langkawi, better g ngan public transport je kot.. huhu.. sambung blek cite, kami pn sewa la kete Proton Wira, untuk 2 hari rm180.. then,bertolak la g hotel.. stay at Grand Continental Hotel, ni je hotel yg available.. yg lain sume dh penuh sb ramai org cuti2 skolah cmni,.
view from my room.. xtau pulau ape kt depan tu.. huhu.. kalo ade sape2 tau,, gtau yer..
kul 2.30, naik feri g langkawi,. mula2 runsing jgk tkot mabuk laut, tp duk dalam feri tu tak rase pe2 pn.. nasib baik la tak mabuk,, then, smpai kt langkawi dlm pkul 3.45,. oh, lupe nk bgtau, tket feri untuk dewasa rm23, n untuk kanak-kanak rm17.. ni harga tket sehala je, kalo pegi blek, kira la sdri ek.. :)
smpai je langkawi, kena la sewa kete, sb kete dh tgal kt jeti kuala kedah td,. satu lg, tgal kete kt kuala kedah kena byr parking rm20 tuk 2 hari,. so, sape2 yg nk g langkawi, better g ngan public transport je kot.. huhu.. sambung blek cite, kami pn sewa la kete Proton Wira, untuk 2 hari rm180.. then,bertolak la g hotel.. stay at Grand Continental Hotel, ni je hotel yg available.. yg lain sume dh penuh sb ramai org cuti2 skolah cmni,.

so, hari first, tak pegi mane2 sb smpai kt hotel pn dh lambat,.. sy kena temankan spupu2 mandi kt kolam pastu kitorang just kuar makan je malam tu..
kolam terbuka,. spupu yg kecik tu,, bju biru n coklat.. sejuk beku dh diorang dk main air..

esoknyer,, kul8 pagi lg kitorang dh siap2 nk kuar.. first, sarapan pagi dlu kt hotel.. sb kitorang pegi trip ni x plan, so xtau nk pegi mane.. hahaha.. then, sy cakap, kite round2 je.. pusing langkawi, jmpe tempat best, kite benti.. bijak tak idea? :D
tgh pusing2 tu, nampak la signboard jalan "Makan Mahsuri",.. dh jmpe tempat first yg bleh pegi..huhu.. smpai kt Kota Mahsuri kul10pg.. nk masuk byr lagi.. haha. kt langkawi, sume tempat yg korang pegi kena byr,, haha,. dewasa rm5, kanak-kanak (7-12) rm3 and kanak-kanak (5-6) rm1..
ni main entrance tuk masuk ke Kota Mahsuri..
tgh pusing2 tu, nampak la signboard jalan "Makan Mahsuri",.. dh jmpe tempat first yg bleh pegi..huhu.. smpai kt Kota Mahsuri kul10pg.. nk masuk byr lagi.. haha. kt langkawi, sume tempat yg korang pegi kena byr,, haha,. dewasa rm5, kanak-kanak (7-12) rm3 and kanak-kanak (5-6) rm1..

okeyh,,. kt dalam kota ni ade muzium mahsuri, rumah-rumah zaman mahsuri dulu termasuk rumah mahsuri sdri, makam mahsuri of course la, perigi mahsuri n ade byk spesis burung kt sane..
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
un pivot column..
untuk tontonan umum,.. sementara je ni.. sb mood tgh elok.. hehehe.. :)
komen byk2 yer,, :p
*p/s: tgh wt post baru, tp mayb post ni lambat siap skit,.. sabar yer blog ku sayam..
komen byk2 yer,, :p
*p/s: tgh wt post baru, tp mayb post ni lambat siap skit,.. sabar yer blog ku sayam..
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
okeyh,.. i really really want to watch this movie.. but i don't put my hope high that this movie is worth to watch bcoz the previous movie of Harry Potter is really boring and i'm quite dissapointed with it.. since this last book of Harry Potter is made in two part, so this first part is really detail n interesting,, maybe some of viewers might not understand the story at the beginning, but they will get better idea when the story move on,..this movie it's a lot better than the previous movie.
after the trip to MAHA 2010, i went to watch this movie.. duration: 2 and a half hour.. fuhhh.. overall, best.. just go watch it for urself.. :)
*p/s: next movie i'm interested is Narnia.. can't wait.. hihi..
after the trip to MAHA 2010, i went to watch this movie.. duration: 2 and a half hour.. fuhhh.. overall, best.. just go watch it for urself.. :)
*p/s: next movie i'm interested is Narnia.. can't wait.. hihi..
MAHA 2010..

yesterday, Friday, we went to MAHA 2010 (from 26 Nov- 5 Dec),.. this exhibition or show is about the agricultural activities in our country. there's no fee been charged to the visitors, it's just that you have to pay rm3 for the parking..

*p/s: everyone, u should go and have fun there..
my first niece.. :)
On 1st December 2010 (Wednesday), my brother and sis in law got a new baby girl.. this is their second child.. at last, there is a baby girl in my family.. huhu.. so, this is her picture.. cute kan? :P
my brother plans to named her Nur Tasnim Humaira.. but i really like girl name Husna.. hurmm,.. just agree with my bro cause she is his daughter rite. :)

so, that Wednesday morning, my sis, my mom, n I went to Paka, Terengganu to visit my sis in law,. on the way to the place, we stop by at Teluk Gadong to eat 'nasi kukus' at one of the restaurant there (restaurant ke...?).. the shop located in front of the UiTM Dungun college and face the beach.. it's really refreshing to eat at such place.. while looking at the beautiful beach,. :)
UiTM Dungun college really is in front of the beach.. i bet they go to the beach everyday..
*p/s: in UiTM Shah Alam, we have waterfall at the main gate entrance.. :P

*p/s: in UiTM Shah Alam, we have waterfall at the main gate entrance.. :P
Monday, November 29, 2010
Exspo Cheng Ho 2010..
hai sume,. mulakan dengan senyuman :)
so, time cuti macam ni pe aktiviti korang sume? sori, ayat bahasa melayu tak brape lulus,,hehe..
urm,, i reaally really reaally want this holiday so much, so i'm gonna enjoy it to the fullest.. hihihi..
okeyh,, back to the topic, i've been to Exspo Cheng Ho 2010 which been held at Stadium Muhammad ke-IV from 21st until 26th of November 2010.. there are various booth, exhibition and show going on during the exspo.. halal food from china, museum Cheng Ho, traditional Chinese medicine.. overall, this exspo is more to the Islamic Community from China..
One thing that i really interested in is the acrobatic and shaolin kungfu show.. i've never been to any acrobatic show before, that's makes me feel excited to watch the show.. :D
this show been held from 21st-24th Nov.. Ticket price is different for adult and children..

the lion jump form one stand to another.. and fall to the ground at some point, but luckily, no one gets hurt..

i'm having so much fun during the show.. actually the show start with the shaolin kungfu performance but the photo that i snap for the shaolin kungfu is not clear,. my bad.. hihi..
*p/s: nk pegi pulau, tp pulau tutup hujung tahun mcm ni.. huhu...
so, time cuti macam ni pe aktiviti korang sume? sori, ayat bahasa melayu tak brape lulus,,hehe..
urm,, i reaally really reaally want this holiday so much, so i'm gonna enjoy it to the fullest.. hihihi..
okeyh,, back to the topic, i've been to Exspo Cheng Ho 2010 which been held at Stadium Muhammad ke-IV from 21st until 26th of November 2010.. there are various booth, exhibition and show going on during the exspo.. halal food from china, museum Cheng Ho, traditional Chinese medicine.. overall, this exspo is more to the Islamic Community from China..
One thing that i really interested in is the acrobatic and shaolin kungfu show.. i've never been to any acrobatic show before, that's makes me feel excited to watch the show.. :D
this show been held from 21st-24th Nov.. Ticket price is different for adult and children..

i'm having so much fun during the show.. actually the show start with the shaolin kungfu performance but the photo that i snap for the shaolin kungfu is not clear,. my bad.. hihi..
*p/s: nk pegi pulau, tp pulau tutup hujung tahun mcm ni.. huhu...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
the day has comes..
today.. last paper for the final exam.. Database Engineering..
tomorrow,.. E-Advising + SDD... this one reaaally isn't ready yet..
the next day.. E-Volunteer,. so far, only insert process that's working.. login, update, delete, search is still far from working.. what to do..? and report for E-Advising..
*p/s: i reaally need a break right now.. long vacation, to island mayb? anyone wants to join me.. hehe..
tomorrow,.. E-Advising + SDD... this one reaaally isn't ready yet..
the next day.. E-Volunteer,. so far, only insert process that's working.. login, update, delete, search is still far from working.. what to do..? and report for E-Advising..
*p/s: i reaally need a break right now.. long vacation, to island mayb? anyone wants to join me.. hehe..
Saturday, November 6, 2010
CN BLUE - Teardrops In The Rain
Tearsdrop in The Rain by C.N.Blue

No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
Teadrops in the rain
I wish upon a star, I wonder where you are
I wish you're coming back to me again
And everything's the same like it used to be
I see the days go by and still I wonder why
I wonder why it has to be this way
Why can't I have you here just like it used to be
I don't know which way to choose
How can I find a way to go on ?
I don't know if I can go on without you oh
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
I shed teardrops in the rain
I wish that I could fly, I wonder what you say
I wish you're flying back to me again
Hope everything's the same like it used to be
I don't know which way to choose
How can I find a way to go on
I don't know if I can go on without you, without you
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
I shed teardrops in the rain
Oh... I shed teardrops in the rain
Oh... Hey... Teardrops in the rain
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees (no one) no one feels the pain (no one)
I shed teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain... <---- in my case, teardrops under the blanket.. :'(
*p/s: been very busy this week, n it's the same for the next.. this post is just to make sure that my blog is updated,. don't have time to write all the things happen to me lately,. btw, like this song very much~!! my second favorite group after Super Junior.. Suju still the no 1 for me.. :)

No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
Teadrops in the rain
I wish upon a star, I wonder where you are
I wish you're coming back to me again
And everything's the same like it used to be
I see the days go by and still I wonder why
I wonder why it has to be this way
Why can't I have you here just like it used to be
I don't know which way to choose
How can I find a way to go on ?
I don't know if I can go on without you oh
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
I shed teardrops in the rain
I wish that I could fly, I wonder what you say
I wish you're flying back to me again
Hope everything's the same like it used to be
I don't know which way to choose
How can I find a way to go on
I don't know if I can go on without you, without you
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
I shed teardrops in the rain
Oh... I shed teardrops in the rain
Oh... Hey... Teardrops in the rain
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees (no one) no one feels the pain (no one)
I shed teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain... <---- in my case, teardrops under the blanket.. :'(

*p/s: been very busy this week, n it's the same for the next.. this post is just to make sure that my blog is updated,. don't have time to write all the things happen to me lately,. btw, like this song very much~!! my second favorite group after Super Junior.. Suju still the no 1 for me.. :)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
gomo kelate gomo~~
melebar senyum aku time balek dr stadium.. yeay~~!!! kelate mene 2-1 lwn negori sembilang...
penyokong red warrior 2/3 dlm stadium.. 2 pn ramai lg yg berdiri kt luar.. ni br kul6 tp stadium dh penuh ngan fan kelate..
aku pakai bju purple sb x sempat nk tukar baju.. huhu. baju merah tu aku wt kibar2 je..
pemain kelate pakai jersi putih.. tp semangat red warrior tetap ade!!
ni mase first gol.. gol gol gol~~!!
belakng aku tu penyokong n9,.. diorang x ramai pn.. even tempat grand stand diorang xde org.. fan kelate memg best~~!!
abes je match, penyokong n9 trus blek.. hobin jang hobin..
kitorang plak ape lagi.. bergembira la.. ahahaha.. tgk la pakcik2 kt blakang aku yg excited,, diorang mai dr kelate tuh.. yg tgh angkat tgn tu abg aku,. aku g ngan die.. :)
*p/s: esk first paper for final.. huhu.. stadi2..
walaupun letih, berbaloi2 pegi tgk.. huhuhu..
match dh abes kul 11, tp smpai kul12 kitorang still dk bersorak dlm stadium.. yeay~~!! sb penyokong negeri sembilan dh blek awl2,, xde la kejadian buruk happen.. time keluar stadium, sume merah je.. alhamdulillah kite menang.. hehe..
Friday, October 29, 2010
stress out~~!
here's the date that will make my life "perfect"... hihihi..
1st Nov - Human Computer Interaction (first paper for this final exam)
4th Nov - Object-Oriented Design & Implementation (my "favorite" paper.. my lovely E-Advising)
7th Nov - Operation Research (don't forget to bring ur calculator dear!!)
10th Nov - Database Engineering (my second "favorite" paper..)
and here's comes the problem,, arghhhh,... stress2...
11th Nov - Presentation for E-Advising (this presentation is suppose to be held on 2nd day of raya [18th Nov], but then my favorite lecturers changed the date to this new date.. actually all of the students does not agree with them changing the date, because we haven't done anything with the system, but they still refuse to change the date.. if they just told us early, then at least we can prepare for it, but since they just change the date out of blue, we really upset bout it.. cause we have lots of other things to do)
12th Nov - Presentation for E-Volunteer (this is why we do not agree with the new date for E-Advising presentation, because we want to focus for the final exam and E-Volunteer first, then we will focus on E-Advising [supposedly on 18th Nov])
and today, 29th October, i've presentation for database project... E-Saloon.. in two days, i'm going to have my first paper.. stress2... wish me luck~~ :)
*p/s: please change the date for Mr Advising~~!!
1st Nov - Human Computer Interaction (first paper for this final exam)
4th Nov - Object-Oriented Design & Implementation (my "favorite" paper.. my lovely E-Advising)
7th Nov - Operation Research (don't forget to bring ur calculator dear!!)
10th Nov - Database Engineering (my second "favorite" paper..)
and here's comes the problem,, arghhhh,... stress2...
11th Nov - Presentation for E-Advising (this presentation is suppose to be held on 2nd day of raya [18th Nov], but then my favorite lecturers changed the date to this new date.. actually all of the students does not agree with them changing the date, because we haven't done anything with the system, but they still refuse to change the date.. if they just told us early, then at least we can prepare for it, but since they just change the date out of blue, we really upset bout it.. cause we have lots of other things to do)
12th Nov - Presentation for E-Volunteer (this is why we do not agree with the new date for E-Advising presentation, because we want to focus for the final exam and E-Volunteer first, then we will focus on E-Advising [supposedly on 18th Nov])
and today, 29th October, i've presentation for database project... E-Saloon.. in two days, i'm going to have my first paper.. stress2... wish me luck~~ :)
*p/s: please change the date for Mr Advising~~!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
*p/s: i'm OKAY now.. hikhik.. just go, i will not wait for u.. :)
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
*p/s: i'm OKAY now.. hikhik.. just go, i will not wait for u.. :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Libras trait n personality..
This is just for fun.. hihi.. i found this article somewhere in the internet, n i found it interesting to me.. for all of u that are also Libra, u might want to read it.. there are some truth about my personality in that article, i don't know whether the writer have make some research on it or it's just coincidence but there are some true facts in that this article..
Libras are charismatic, diplomatic, idealistic and logical, which enables them to get along well with a wide variety of people.
Libras are the diplomats of the zodiac. They are charming, easy going, and willing to suppress their own needs and opinions in order to preserve good relations. Libras avoid conflict at all costs, and would rather give in than have an unnecessary argument (or in some cases, a necessary one)..
1. Peace-Loving
Libras are reasonable, nonjudgmental and able to see both sides of an issue. As a result, they are often asked to intervene in disagreements between friends, family members and coworkers. Arguments make Libras miserable. They crave peace and much of their lives are spent in the pursuit of harmony.
*i don't know whether to agree with this or not.. but one thing i'm sure of is that i really hate to see peoples fighting in front of me.. there's this time, when i went to see soccer match, and after the match, the fans are fighting and i can't help it that i just scream my heart out saying to stop the fight.. all the guys around me stare at me, even though i'm afraid that they might hurt me, but i still want them to stop fighting.. luckily, they stop fighting and nothing bad happened..
2. Logical and Idealistic
Libras tend to be thoughtful, and also require much food for thought. This is a sign with a high need for intellectual stimulation, and most Libras do a lot of reading. A combination of logic, rationality and idealism causes many Libras to be politically minded as well. Libras tend to process things intellectually rather than emotionally unless the ascendant falls in a water sign.
*i agree with this,. i always think things thoroughly and always being rational, making decision only after i've found some facts about the problem..
3. Romantic and Relationship-Oriented
Most Libras have a strong romantic streak. Sometimes they may fall in love more with the idea of being in love than with the actual partner, and they have a tendency to put their partners on pedestals from which they inevitably fall. As a result, Libras are frequently disillusioned. Still, they keep trying because Libra is a sign that needs to be in a partnership to feel complete, and Libras are willing to put up with a lot in order to achieve this. But if the relationship is marked by constant discord, the Libra will often quietly slide out of it, in some cases finding another partner before completely disengaging from the first one. This tendency has earned the sign a reputation for being fickle. However, it is really a reflection of extreme conflict avoidance, as well as the need to be in a partnership at all times.
*i don't know much about love coz i've never been in a relationship before, so "no komen" about it.. for conflict avoidance, i've mention this in my previous post that i hate complicated things, so i'm agree with this..
4. Extroverted and Flirtatious
Libras usually have no problem making friends, as they have good social skills and tend to be laid back and friendly. They are also easily influenced and highly susceptible to flattery, which allows others to take advantage of them.
Libras are usually flirtatious and often good-looking, so there is no shortage of potential partners for them. Their charm and tendency to flatter others ensure that many people will seek out their company.
*am i that flirtatious? ahaha.. don't know...
5. Indecisive but Fair
Unless they have the ascendant in a fire sign, Libras can be incredibly indecisive, to the point of being so paralyzed by indecision that they are unable to take any course of action. This can make them appear wishy-washy or noncommittal to others. However, Libras are very decisive in one area. They are the champions of the underdog and will stick up for justice in all circumstances. They are usually very fair and they will not hesitate to speak up when they see injustice done to anyone, even someone they don’t particularly like.
6. Vain and Frivolous
Libras have a love of luxury that can make them frivolous. Vanity may drive them to spend large amounts of money on items that will improve their looks or objects that are only for show. They usually keep their bodies, their clothing and their homes very neat, and although Libras have a lazy streak, this never extends to personal grooming. It is very uncommon to find a Libra with unbrushed hair or wearing sloppy or dirty clothing. Libras tend to follow the trends of fashion, but only the ones that are elegant, classy and have some staying power.
*i'm not following all the trends or fashion, just like it to be neat and clean.. hate it when my stuff does not arrange accordingly, seeing them like that makes me happy.. :)
7. Conflict-Avoidant
Libras have a strong need to be liked by others and will often suppress their own feelings and opinions in order to achieve this. They put their best face forward and don’t show extremes of emotion or make scenes in public. In some cases this may even extend to deception for the purpose of keeping the peace, though most often this deception is simply the Libra hiding his or her feelings from others. Many Libras will lie to avoid conflict, however.
*sooo true.. but sometimes, my words still slip from my mouth, that can make other peoples hurt. sorry then.. when there are my friends fighting, i don't like to get involved, but if i'll try my best to make them get back together.. i don't like to see them fighting over themselves, coz i don't which one i should sided..
8. Naturally Graceful
Most Libras are graceful with their bodies and have a talent for dance, skating or athletics. The energy levels of Libras tend to fluctuate, as though reflecting an inner need for balance. Thai chi, yoga, Pilates and other mind-body arts are particularly beneficial for Libras, as they help to bring about the mental and physical balance they crave.
*i should learn thai chi and yoga then..hihi.. to seek balance..
Libras are charismatic, diplomatic, idealistic and logical, which enables them to get along well with a wide variety of people.
Libras are the diplomats of the zodiac. They are charming, easy going, and willing to suppress their own needs and opinions in order to preserve good relations. Libras avoid conflict at all costs, and would rather give in than have an unnecessary argument (or in some cases, a necessary one)..
1. Peace-Loving
Libras are reasonable, nonjudgmental and able to see both sides of an issue. As a result, they are often asked to intervene in disagreements between friends, family members and coworkers. Arguments make Libras miserable. They crave peace and much of their lives are spent in the pursuit of harmony.
*i don't know whether to agree with this or not.. but one thing i'm sure of is that i really hate to see peoples fighting in front of me.. there's this time, when i went to see soccer match, and after the match, the fans are fighting and i can't help it that i just scream my heart out saying to stop the fight.. all the guys around me stare at me, even though i'm afraid that they might hurt me, but i still want them to stop fighting.. luckily, they stop fighting and nothing bad happened..
2. Logical and Idealistic
Libras tend to be thoughtful, and also require much food for thought. This is a sign with a high need for intellectual stimulation, and most Libras do a lot of reading. A combination of logic, rationality and idealism causes many Libras to be politically minded as well. Libras tend to process things intellectually rather than emotionally unless the ascendant falls in a water sign.
*i agree with this,. i always think things thoroughly and always being rational, making decision only after i've found some facts about the problem..
3. Romantic and Relationship-Oriented
Most Libras have a strong romantic streak. Sometimes they may fall in love more with the idea of being in love than with the actual partner, and they have a tendency to put their partners on pedestals from which they inevitably fall. As a result, Libras are frequently disillusioned. Still, they keep trying because Libra is a sign that needs to be in a partnership to feel complete, and Libras are willing to put up with a lot in order to achieve this. But if the relationship is marked by constant discord, the Libra will often quietly slide out of it, in some cases finding another partner before completely disengaging from the first one. This tendency has earned the sign a reputation for being fickle. However, it is really a reflection of extreme conflict avoidance, as well as the need to be in a partnership at all times.
*i don't know much about love coz i've never been in a relationship before, so "no komen" about it.. for conflict avoidance, i've mention this in my previous post that i hate complicated things, so i'm agree with this..
4. Extroverted and Flirtatious
Libras usually have no problem making friends, as they have good social skills and tend to be laid back and friendly. They are also easily influenced and highly susceptible to flattery, which allows others to take advantage of them.
Libras are usually flirtatious and often good-looking, so there is no shortage of potential partners for them. Their charm and tendency to flatter others ensure that many people will seek out their company.
*am i that flirtatious? ahaha.. don't know...
5. Indecisive but Fair
Unless they have the ascendant in a fire sign, Libras can be incredibly indecisive, to the point of being so paralyzed by indecision that they are unable to take any course of action. This can make them appear wishy-washy or noncommittal to others. However, Libras are very decisive in one area. They are the champions of the underdog and will stick up for justice in all circumstances. They are usually very fair and they will not hesitate to speak up when they see injustice done to anyone, even someone they don’t particularly like.
6. Vain and Frivolous
Libras have a love of luxury that can make them frivolous. Vanity may drive them to spend large amounts of money on items that will improve their looks or objects that are only for show. They usually keep their bodies, their clothing and their homes very neat, and although Libras have a lazy streak, this never extends to personal grooming. It is very uncommon to find a Libra with unbrushed hair or wearing sloppy or dirty clothing. Libras tend to follow the trends of fashion, but only the ones that are elegant, classy and have some staying power.
*i'm not following all the trends or fashion, just like it to be neat and clean.. hate it when my stuff does not arrange accordingly, seeing them like that makes me happy.. :)
7. Conflict-Avoidant
Libras have a strong need to be liked by others and will often suppress their own feelings and opinions in order to achieve this. They put their best face forward and don’t show extremes of emotion or make scenes in public. In some cases this may even extend to deception for the purpose of keeping the peace, though most often this deception is simply the Libra hiding his or her feelings from others. Many Libras will lie to avoid conflict, however.
*sooo true.. but sometimes, my words still slip from my mouth, that can make other peoples hurt. sorry then.. when there are my friends fighting, i don't like to get involved, but if i'll try my best to make them get back together.. i don't like to see them fighting over themselves, coz i don't which one i should sided..
8. Naturally Graceful
Most Libras are graceful with their bodies and have a talent for dance, skating or athletics. The energy levels of Libras tend to fluctuate, as though reflecting an inner need for balance. Thai chi, yoga, Pilates and other mind-body arts are particularly beneficial for Libras, as they help to bring about the mental and physical balance they crave.
*i should learn thai chi and yoga then..hihi.. to seek balance..
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
phrase for the day..
A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who
means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was
never meant to be and you just have to let go.
means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was
never meant to be and you just have to let go.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
better..? good..? hypocrite...?
am i a better person than i used to be..?
i have try to be a better person, but sometimes you realize that no matter how much you try, you are still the same. so, what do u do..? just keep trying..
after the previous post, i got a lot calmer n slowly turn into my own self again.. life goes on even if something bad happen to you. you just have to bear with it for some times. peoples always say that times can heal everything, i think i believe half of it. some thing, maybe it can be heal when times goes by, but some things can't though.
i'm good now.. don't keep asking me whether i'm ok or not. you want me to tell you the truth? hurm... i am NOT OKAY...
i'm a straight forward person, when i like something, i just express myself about how i feel and it also the same when i find something that i don't like.
sorry for all my friends if i'm being too straight forward with you.. :)
lastly.. have a nice day..
i have try to be a better person, but sometimes you realize that no matter how much you try, you are still the same. so, what do u do..? just keep trying..
after the previous post, i got a lot calmer n slowly turn into my own self again.. life goes on even if something bad happen to you. you just have to bear with it for some times. peoples always say that times can heal everything, i think i believe half of it. some thing, maybe it can be heal when times goes by, but some things can't though.
i'm good now.. don't keep asking me whether i'm ok or not. you want me to tell you the truth? hurm... i am NOT OKAY...
i'm a straight forward person, when i like something, i just express myself about how i feel and it also the same when i find something that i don't like.
sorry for all my friends if i'm being too straight forward with you.. :)
lastly.. have a nice day..
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
butterfly in my stomach..
hurm,,..it's hard for me to open my heart to anyone..that's include towards my girlfriends or boyfriends, it bcoz for me trusting someone is really a hard thing to do..
urm, it is bcoz i had bad experience with trust? i'm not sure why..
at first, i hate writing, but now when i started to open my heart to it, i loved it..it is the same with people..? it is as simple as i opened up my heart to writing..?
peoples; it's hard to predicts their true feeling, n it can be complicated sometimes..i hate complicated things, but that doesn't mean i hate people,. that's why i always avoid complicated things..i know it's not a good thing to do, always avoiding something you don't like coz one day whether u like it or not u will have to face it..
now, i start to learn to open up to people around me..better late than never rite..?
but sometimes there are times i still prefer to live in the world where there's only me live inside it..
and after i open my heart to 'people', there's a butterfly in my stomach..i don't know what to do,,.
plezz la,,just go away butterfly..go playing in other person's stomach..shuuu,,shuuu...i hate it when i have feeling like this..hurm..,.
urm, it is bcoz i had bad experience with trust? i'm not sure why..
at first, i hate writing, but now when i started to open my heart to it, i loved it..it is the same with people..? it is as simple as i opened up my heart to writing..?
peoples; it's hard to predicts their true feeling, n it can be complicated sometimes..i hate complicated things, but that doesn't mean i hate people,. that's why i always avoid complicated things..i know it's not a good thing to do, always avoiding something you don't like coz one day whether u like it or not u will have to face it..
now, i start to learn to open up to people around me..better late than never rite..?
but sometimes there are times i still prefer to live in the world where there's only me live inside it..
and after i open my heart to 'people', there's a butterfly in my stomach..i don't know what to do,,.
plezz la,,just go away butterfly..go playing in other person's stomach..shuuu,,shuuu...i hate it when i have feeling like this..hurm..,.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
hepi hepi holiday~~!!
hikhik..salam..nk cite keseronokan blek kg slepas 2 bulan aku x blek...pyer la sonok blek umah, bukti nyer 2 ari aku x main ngan lappy aku ni..ari isnin smpai, rabu br buka lappy ni..
aku smpai ari isnin kt umah..dlm kul11pg,tolak lpas sahur dr shah alam..ngan abg aku..myb sb abg aku bwk kete laju,so kitorang smpai awl..aku bajet dlm kul1 smpai,,tp awl 2 jam..
petang isnin tu jgk, aku g bazar ramadan kt wkf bharu,,.bli muratabak yg aku kepingin nk mkn dr ari first pose lg, kt shah alam murtabak die x sesedap murtabak kt wakaf bharu..hepi dpt mkn murtabak..huhu..satu bende aku pasan, harga brg kt bazar wkf bharu ni dh naik, xde dh kuih yg bungkus rm1..thun lpas still ade..
semalam, kul9pg dh gerak g kb..g bli bju rayer tuk adik2 aku..abes satu kb kitorang round..dr mpkb ke parkson ke zon ria ke giant..hehe..smpai umah kul3ptg..pyer la meround,,abes duit kakak aku tlg byrkan aku pyer bju n kasut..haha..aku kan pokai, xdpt JPA..menyampah!
rehat2 kejap, kwn aku msg ajak berbuka kt luar..nsib baek smlm xde plan lg nk msk pe kt umah..so, aku pn janji la ngan diorang nk g buka same2..kul6 ptg aku kuar,,kitorang g kt zakini nasi kukus..lpas susah pyh cr parking, g kt zakini, tp meja dh penuh..huhu..nasib baik la akak indon kt kedai tu nk open satu table tuk kitorang..so berbuka la kt zakini..lps berbuka, kwn aku ajak g kb mall..smyag mghrib kt sane, pastu round2 jap..xleh lame2 sb kwn aku kena blek b4 kul9..bli pe yg ptut, patu kitorang blek..sgt2 best buka ngan korang...aku smpai umah dlm kul9.30..
dk kt umah kejap, abg aku ajak g wakaf che yeh..aku malas nk pegi sbnrnyer, sb letih+ngantuk..tp mak aku ajak jgk..so,pegi la..rmai gler org kt wakaf che yeh smpai nk jalan pn susah..ni blom org kl sume blek.,huhu..xtau la mlm rayer nti cane..biase mlm rayer wakaf che yeh rmai org, sb byk lelong2 bju rayer,biskut rayer..aku x bli pe2 pn kt kt situ..abg aku,kak ipar n mak aku je beli brg..aku tukang bwk brg diorang..haha..so, smpai umah kul12.30..
ngantok+letih yg amat..
okeh,,abes sume tempat yg aku nk g, dh pegi dlm satu hari je..nk g mane lg pasni..? pantai blom lg..heheh...bz ngalahkan yb..
*p/s: keje byk cuti ni..E-Advising ku syg x tgk lansung lg..malas nyer~~!!
aku smpai ari isnin kt umah..dlm kul11pg,tolak lpas sahur dr shah alam..ngan abg aku..myb sb abg aku bwk kete laju,so kitorang smpai awl..aku bajet dlm kul1 smpai,,tp awl 2 jam..
petang isnin tu jgk, aku g bazar ramadan kt wkf bharu,,.bli muratabak yg aku kepingin nk mkn dr ari first pose lg, kt shah alam murtabak die x sesedap murtabak kt wakaf bharu..hepi dpt mkn murtabak..huhu..satu bende aku pasan, harga brg kt bazar wkf bharu ni dh naik, xde dh kuih yg bungkus rm1..thun lpas still ade..
semalam, kul9pg dh gerak g kb..g bli bju rayer tuk adik2 aku..abes satu kb kitorang round..dr mpkb ke parkson ke zon ria ke giant..hehe..smpai umah kul3ptg..pyer la meround,,abes duit kakak aku tlg byrkan aku pyer bju n kasut..haha..aku kan pokai, xdpt JPA..menyampah!
rehat2 kejap, kwn aku msg ajak berbuka kt luar..nsib baek smlm xde plan lg nk msk pe kt umah..so, aku pn janji la ngan diorang nk g buka same2..kul6 ptg aku kuar,,kitorang g kt zakini nasi kukus..lpas susah pyh cr parking, g kt zakini, tp meja dh penuh..huhu..nasib baik la akak indon kt kedai tu nk open satu table tuk kitorang..so berbuka la kt zakini..lps berbuka, kwn aku ajak g kb mall..smyag mghrib kt sane, pastu round2 jap..xleh lame2 sb kwn aku kena blek b4 kul9..bli pe yg ptut, patu kitorang blek..sgt2 best buka ngan korang...aku smpai umah dlm kul9.30..
dk kt umah kejap, abg aku ajak g wakaf che yeh..aku malas nk pegi sbnrnyer, sb letih+ngantuk..tp mak aku ajak jgk..so,pegi la..rmai gler org kt wakaf che yeh smpai nk jalan pn susah..ni blom org kl sume blek.,huhu..xtau la mlm rayer nti cane..biase mlm rayer wakaf che yeh rmai org, sb byk lelong2 bju rayer,biskut rayer..aku x bli pe2 pn kt kt situ..abg aku,kak ipar n mak aku je beli brg..aku tukang bwk brg diorang..haha..so, smpai umah kul12.30..
ngantok+letih yg amat..
okeh,,abes sume tempat yg aku nk g, dh pegi dlm satu hari je..nk g mane lg pasni..? pantai blom lg..heheh...bz ngalahkan yb..
*p/s: keje byk cuti ni..E-Advising ku syg x tgk lansung lg..malas nyer~~!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
giving up..
even if u give up,,life will still goes on. without u realizing it, u will be left behind. so, don't stop going n moving on, cause life will not wait for u..but u can take a rest for once a while, when u feel like u really tired n really really needed the rest, then it's okay for u to take a break cause it will make u feel more energize after that n can make u see things more clearly.. i supposed i reaallyyy need a rest now..! can't wait for the holiday next week..one more week to go dear.. :-)
my dear friends,,have u ever thought about quitting your study? i have..not once or twice..so many time till i lost count..everyday i'm thinking of quitting my studies..but i don't even dare to take another step further, cause i know my parents will be very disappointed with me n i hate it when i let them down. so, i need to struggle n the most important thing is don't give up..!
i've read a poem, n it's inspired me to just don't give up..here's the poem n i hope it can make u feel different after reading it..
Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
- Edgar A. Guest
my dear friends,,have u ever thought about quitting your study? i have..not once or twice..so many time till i lost count..everyday i'm thinking of quitting my studies..but i don't even dare to take another step further, cause i know my parents will be very disappointed with me n i hate it when i let them down. so, i need to struggle n the most important thing is don't give up..!
i've read a poem, n it's inspired me to just don't give up..here's the poem n i hope it can make u feel different after reading it..
Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
- Edgar A. Guest
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
woke up on the wrong side of my bed..
ok,this idiom means that i had a bad day today,i think today is one of the worst day of my life..:-(
as usual, i sleep early n set my alarm clock at 4 am so that i can wake up n do the homework or assignment..
so today, i woke up at 4 n start doing Java Programmning which is my lab exercises n u know what? i took over than 2 hours just to finish the first question.
i don't know y how many times i read the instruction but still i couldn't understand it..so i got the output wrong, n bcoz of it have to be passed up today, i had no choice to just print the wrong coding.
it's also the same for the second question..since i got class at 10.30 n finish doing Java around 8.30 n feel really sleepy, so i take the time to sleep n wake up at half past 9..
i know that today i have class at 10.30 but i thought today is wednesday..so, i prepare the book n print the necessary notes for wednesday timetable eventhough today is tuesday..
i keep worrying about the test that i gonna have in 2 days (cause today is wednesday)..after i settle prepare for the class, i look at the time n it's already 10.15, n it's late!!
i haven't take my bath yet, n i just realise after my fren told me that today is actually tuesday.
after that, i took out all the books n notes from my bag, n replace it with today's
book n notes..at 10.45, i message my fren asking whether the lecturer has come to class or not,n at 11 she told me that the lect just enter the class..
at that time i'm still at home n keep thinking whether to go to the class or not..at the end, i still went to the class n arrive at 11.30..huh..late isn't it? an HOUR late!!
if i'm the lecturer, of course i'll be mad,.this is what she ask me when i first arrive..
Lecturer:"where r u from?"
me:"(hesitatedly) urm,,.br smpai.."
Lecturer:"br smpai?? then why are u late?"
me:"........ (no answer)"
Lecturer:"(with more higher tone) i'm asking u, why r u late?"
me:"..............(still no answer)"
Lecturer:"if this is ur attitude, i'm sure u will FAIL this paper"
me:"...........(surprised n hurt)" <----- i deserve it..
i never felt like this before, been scold n told that i will FAIL..her words is still inside my head..i know that i'm wrong n i'm sorry..truthfully, i really doesn't like this subject,
if i can drop this paper, i will do it without even thinking twice about dropping it. but i can't cause this is a core subject!
after the lecture, she gave another homework that's make my collection of homework become more variety n lovely~~!! i already had so many project, assignment n test this week..huh,,
after that, java lecture..the lecturer ask to pass up the lab exercise..n i gave it to her, immediately in front of me she open the exercise this is what she say..
Lecturer2:"why ur output is like this?"
me:"it is wrong? (innocently)"
Lecturer:"this is not the output,,u haven't finish showing the output"
Lecturer:"u have to show the exact output, so what u do is wrong..then, i will have to deduct ur mark"
end of second lecture..+ with the new homework (lab exercise) n news from the lecturer that the java test will be untill chapter 5, which mean i need to read for extra one chapter for the test..
i'm not happy with this :-(
then,,the third lecture for today,my lovely japanese class..as usual, bcoz i need to take the bus from faculty to the japanese class, i will always be late for the class..my japanese class start on 2.10pm n the java class finish at 2.00pm..
usually, java class will finish 10-15 minutes early, so i will not be late for the next class. but today when i'm waiting for the bus it's already 2.05,.then, i arrive at the class at 2.20pm..
this is consider quite early than my previous week when i'm late for half an hour..so, when i come into the class, i already feel the mood in the class is not so good..
they are discussing about something, n i wondering what is it? after i listen to it, i realise that the sensei are mad about my classmate which going hometown early for Hari Raya.
She say that the week on the Hari Raya,there will be reading & oral test..she insists on doing it on that day (7 sept) and most of my classmate already bought the bus ticket on 4 sept..
so, she really mad bcoz we didn't discuss the matter with her first n she decide on doing the test next week on tuesday..she only available on tuesday and want to do the test from 12.30 to 2pm on tuesday which mean me and some of the classmate that have java class will have to skip java class..
she already really mad, that she said..
Sensei:"whoever didn't come for the test next will lost 20 marks..! i will not do the test during class lecture because i need to finish the syllabus according to the plan..all of u when it comes to finish the class, everyone want to go early, but u all come late to my class..how can i start the class early?"
every week, i'm late to her class..sorry, but what can i do about it? hurmm..
back to the test, because all of us are from different program n have different timetable, so it is hard to decide the time when all of us are available..then after discussing n bickering a little bit for an hour (sensei start lecture at 3.05pm), we all agree to do the test next week on tuesday start from 9 am to 12pm..
settle the problem..n another one come..hehe..this is my mistake, i wrongly took the last semester book to the class, the green one, not the blue..
this is all because of me that thounght today is wednesday n in a hurry, i mistook the book..so, i pretend that i have the right book..really had a bad day today..
i can't wait to finish the japanese class bcoz i've already promise my fren to go to the bazar ramadan at the stadium..she prommised me that she will message me after i finish the class..
then here comes the messages saying "sorry, cannot go to the bazar,cause it's raining n i have flu.."..... arghhhhh, here goes my dream about the bazar n all the delicious food..
when i receive the message, i already at my home, n i haven't bought anything to break fast..that mean i will need to go down to buy the food, n i don't know what to buy..
actually, a fren of mine already ask me to break fast with him, but i cancelled it (sorry,i have to) bcoz i already promise with my girlfrends..at the end,,i couldn't get both of them n i break fast with the food from selaseh with my housemate,,..
that's alll...
*p/s: tomorrow is wednesday dear~~!!
as usual, i sleep early n set my alarm clock at 4 am so that i can wake up n do the homework or assignment..
so today, i woke up at 4 n start doing Java Programmning which is my lab exercises n u know what? i took over than 2 hours just to finish the first question.
i don't know y how many times i read the instruction but still i couldn't understand it..so i got the output wrong, n bcoz of it have to be passed up today, i had no choice to just print the wrong coding.
it's also the same for the second question..since i got class at 10.30 n finish doing Java around 8.30 n feel really sleepy, so i take the time to sleep n wake up at half past 9..
i know that today i have class at 10.30 but i thought today is wednesday..so, i prepare the book n print the necessary notes for wednesday timetable eventhough today is tuesday..
i keep worrying about the test that i gonna have in 2 days (cause today is wednesday)..after i settle prepare for the class, i look at the time n it's already 10.15, n it's late!!
i haven't take my bath yet, n i just realise after my fren told me that today is actually tuesday.
after that, i took out all the books n notes from my bag, n replace it with today's
book n notes..at 10.45, i message my fren asking whether the lecturer has come to class or not,n at 11 she told me that the lect just enter the class..
at that time i'm still at home n keep thinking whether to go to the class or not..at the end, i still went to the class n arrive at 11.30..huh..late isn't it? an HOUR late!!
if i'm the lecturer, of course i'll be mad,.this is what she ask me when i first arrive..
Lecturer:"where r u from?"
me:"(hesitatedly) urm,,.br smpai.."
Lecturer:"br smpai?? then why are u late?"
me:"........ (no answer)"
Lecturer:"(with more higher tone) i'm asking u, why r u late?"
me:"..............(still no answer)"
Lecturer:"if this is ur attitude, i'm sure u will FAIL this paper"
me:"...........(surprised n hurt)" <----- i deserve it..
i never felt like this before, been scold n told that i will FAIL..her words is still inside my head..i know that i'm wrong n i'm sorry..truthfully, i really doesn't like this subject,
if i can drop this paper, i will do it without even thinking twice about dropping it. but i can't cause this is a core subject!
after the lecture, she gave another homework that's make my collection of homework become more variety n lovely~~!! i already had so many project, assignment n test this week..huh,,
after that, java lecture..the lecturer ask to pass up the lab exercise..n i gave it to her, immediately in front of me she open the exercise this is what she say..
Lecturer2:"why ur output is like this?"
me:"it is wrong? (innocently)"
Lecturer:"this is not the output,,u haven't finish showing the output"
Lecturer:"u have to show the exact output, so what u do is wrong..then, i will have to deduct ur mark"
end of second lecture..+ with the new homework (lab exercise) n news from the lecturer that the java test will be untill chapter 5, which mean i need to read for extra one chapter for the test..
i'm not happy with this :-(
then,,the third lecture for today,my lovely japanese class..as usual, bcoz i need to take the bus from faculty to the japanese class, i will always be late for the class..my japanese class start on 2.10pm n the java class finish at 2.00pm..
usually, java class will finish 10-15 minutes early, so i will not be late for the next class. but today when i'm waiting for the bus it's already 2.05,.then, i arrive at the class at 2.20pm..
this is consider quite early than my previous week when i'm late for half an hour..so, when i come into the class, i already feel the mood in the class is not so good..
they are discussing about something, n i wondering what is it? after i listen to it, i realise that the sensei are mad about my classmate which going hometown early for Hari Raya.
She say that the week on the Hari Raya,there will be reading & oral test..she insists on doing it on that day (7 sept) and most of my classmate already bought the bus ticket on 4 sept..
so, she really mad bcoz we didn't discuss the matter with her first n she decide on doing the test next week on tuesday..she only available on tuesday and want to do the test from 12.30 to 2pm on tuesday which mean me and some of the classmate that have java class will have to skip java class..
she already really mad, that she said..
Sensei:"whoever didn't come for the test next will lost 20 marks..! i will not do the test during class lecture because i need to finish the syllabus according to the plan..all of u when it comes to finish the class, everyone want to go early, but u all come late to my class..how can i start the class early?"
every week, i'm late to her class..sorry, but what can i do about it? hurmm..
back to the test, because all of us are from different program n have different timetable, so it is hard to decide the time when all of us are available..then after discussing n bickering a little bit for an hour (sensei start lecture at 3.05pm), we all agree to do the test next week on tuesday start from 9 am to 12pm..
settle the problem..n another one come..hehe..this is my mistake, i wrongly took the last semester book to the class, the green one, not the blue..
this is all because of me that thounght today is wednesday n in a hurry, i mistook the book..so, i pretend that i have the right book..really had a bad day today..
i can't wait to finish the japanese class bcoz i've already promise my fren to go to the bazar ramadan at the stadium..she prommised me that she will message me after i finish the class..
then here comes the messages saying "sorry, cannot go to the bazar,cause it's raining n i have flu.."..... arghhhhh, here goes my dream about the bazar n all the delicious food..
when i receive the message, i already at my home, n i haven't bought anything to break fast..that mean i will need to go down to buy the food, n i don't know what to buy..
actually, a fren of mine already ask me to break fast with him, but i cancelled it (sorry,i have to) bcoz i already promise with my girlfrends..at the end,,i couldn't get both of them n i break fast with the food from selaseh with my housemate,,..
that's alll...
*p/s: tomorrow is wednesday dear~~!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A lovely trip to PK...
ari ni,,aku g pusat kesihatan (PK),.kawan aku m*** yg tlg anta kan..aku demam dh masuk ari ke3,so terpakse la pegi gak sb demam ni makin teruk..first time g PK, x tau cane PK ni beroperasi..nk amik no kt mane, nk tgu kt mane..nasib baik la dr n misi kt sane baik2 sume, xde la terkontang kanting aku sorang diri..
tgu dlm 15minit, dh smpai giliran aku jmpe doktor..doktor pompuan..kecewa d situ yer..haha..die cek suhu bdn n tekanan darah..
Dr ckp suhu bdn aku tgi, even die pn terkejut..lupe plak nk tye bpe suhu bdn aku tdi..so, Dr tu suh aku masuk wad sementara kt PK tu,..aku pn pegi la kt wad tu,,..
ok,,first misi tu suh aku g MANDI..hurm? aku plik+ajaib dh..die ckp kena g mandi dlu sb aku demam panas,,..walaupun aku dh mandi b4 pegi PK tu,terpakse la mandi skali lg..die ade sediakan towel tuk aku..pastu misi td gak amik darah aku, n letak jarum tuk masuk air..aku kena masuk air 2 beg..yg kite panggil air tu sbnrnyer sodium chloride..hehehe..sakit jgk time mula2 die cucuk tu,,huhu...
ni gmbr sodium chloride tu..500ml setiap satu..dua botol ke dua beg?
dk kt wad d PK tu betul2 rase cam dk kat hospital..huhu..aku masuk wad dlm kul12..nk tgu abis masuk air tu lmbt la gak..tgh hari,,misi ade bg nasi tuk lunch..hehe..memg rase dk dlm wad kt hospital btul la,..
lauk tuk lunch..kangkung goreng,daging black paper..buah tembikai, nasi putih n air kosong..hehe..sume tawar la..ke sb deria rase aku yg x rase pe2 sb demam..
tgu dlm 15minit, dh smpai giliran aku jmpe doktor..doktor pompuan..kecewa d situ yer..haha..die cek suhu bdn n tekanan darah..
Dr ckp suhu bdn aku tgi, even die pn terkejut..lupe plak nk tye bpe suhu bdn aku tdi..so, Dr tu suh aku masuk wad sementara kt PK tu,..aku pn pegi la kt wad tu,,..
ok,,first misi tu suh aku g MANDI..hurm? aku plik+ajaib dh..die ckp kena g mandi dlu sb aku demam panas,,..walaupun aku dh mandi b4 pegi PK tu,terpakse la mandi skali lg..die ade sediakan towel tuk aku..pastu misi td gak amik darah aku, n letak jarum tuk masuk air..aku kena masuk air 2 beg..yg kite panggil air tu sbnrnyer sodium chloride..hehehe..sakit jgk time mula2 die cucuk tu,,huhu...
dk kt wad d PK tu betul2 rase cam dk kat hospital..huhu..aku masuk wad dlm kul12..nk tgu abis masuk air tu lmbt la gak..tgh hari,,misi ade bg nasi tuk lunch..hehe..memg rase dk dlm wad kt hospital btul la,..
so..dh abis masuk air dlm kul 3.15..DR cek skali lg suhu n tekanan darah,die ckp suhu bdn aku dh turun by..mula2 die igt aku kena denggi,tp bukan denggi..pastu kena g amik ubat kt kaunter farmasi..n DR tu bg aku mc 2 hari..Dr tu pesan suh minum air byk2..
bleh la rehat,,xyah g kelas..tp aku rase dh ok je..bleh kot kalo nk g kelas..
blek umah sewa,kawan aku n*** amik nga moto..thanks ya kawan2..:-)
bleh la rehat,,xyah g kelas..tp aku rase dh ok je..bleh kot kalo nk g kelas..
blek umah sewa,kawan aku n*** amik nga moto..thanks ya kawan2..:-)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
sharing is caring..
Author: Anonymous
Love comes through the eyes
That help me see this wonderful surprise
I see this wonderful man
Whom of which I can always stand
Love comes through the ears
That never hear fears
They help me hear the words from you
And help me pull through
Love comes through the hands <---- ehem...haha That make you my man Your touch creates chills Which make me go through many thrills Love comes through the mouth <---- awwww....hahaha... That will one day make you my spouse You say the right things at the right time Which help me keep my state of mind Love comes through dreams That make us gleam I dream about life with you in it And everything seems lit Love comes through smiles That extend for miles You can see all the joy That comes from my baby boy Love comes through affection That makes me feel your protection I feel safe and secure And always come back for more Love comes through the seasons That give me plenty of reasons Reasons that I Love You And make us true Love comes through the heart That makes me want to never part Your heart is all I need to get by Without making me cry Love comes through me <------ really? Which will set you free I will give you all my love That was sent as a gift from above Love comes through you < ----- depends on who u are That is always new You come up with the sweetest things And I know we can handle whatever love brings Love comes through each one of us That makes us a must I don't think I'd make it without you And your love so very true. *p/s: edit by anaHita...
do u believe in true love...? i'm not sure bout it..maybe bcoz i haven't fall in love with someone or maybe true love doesn't even exist!..i do like someone before,,but i don't think that it is love..
then,,what about love at first sight..? how can u love someone just by looking at her/his eyes..or u can say by just looking at the outer appearance only..hurm...i'm not sure bout it either..
and,,what do u think about soulmates? is there such person that u can call ur soul mate..how do u describe or know that a certain person is ur soulmate? hurm..i'm not sure bout this too..
maybe i'm being too rational bout this..i always think bout these kind of thing thoroughly before getting involved in this, coz once u r already been affected with this thing,,u will become "unstable"..i think..hehe...
*love is like quicksand…the further u fall in, the harder it is to get out!!!
what i'm sure of is those 3 above never happen to me..if they are really exist,..i wish to have all three of them..hehe..it is too greedy to wish for something like that..? love at first sight can be quite difficult though..
well..when u love someone,,u can be childish but cute..emotional unstable sometimes to the limit where u want to kill uself (hope this never happen to me)..
so,,what message actually i want to deliver here...? hurm...
I'M JUST BORED!!!...hahah...
*p/s: latihan tuk report writing bel..hehe..
then,,what about love at first sight..? how can u love someone just by looking at her/his eyes..or u can say by just looking at the outer appearance only..hurm...i'm not sure bout it either..
and,,what do u think about soulmates? is there such person that u can call ur soul mate..how do u describe or know that a certain person is ur soulmate? hurm..i'm not sure bout this too..
maybe i'm being too rational bout this..i always think bout these kind of thing thoroughly before getting involved in this, coz once u r already been affected with this thing,,u will become "unstable"..i think..hehe...
*love is like quicksand…the further u fall in, the harder it is to get out!!!
what i'm sure of is those 3 above never happen to me..if they are really exist,..i wish to have all three of them..hehe..it is too greedy to wish for something like that..? love at first sight can be quite difficult though..
well..when u love someone,,u can be childish but cute..emotional unstable sometimes to the limit where u want to kill uself (hope this never happen to me)..
so,,what message actually i want to deliver here...? hurm...
I'M JUST BORED!!!...hahah...
*p/s: latihan tuk report writing bel..hehe..
Friday, July 16, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
so,,mlm ni naik bas g shalam..bas transnational.,dk tingkat atas, mintak2 la bkn kt tepi laki..kalo laki ensem xpe..hehehe..
okehhh..ari isnin ni stat kelas tuk sem 4..dh rase ke'seronok'an tuk sem depan ni..
konfem2 la subjek lg 'senang' n byk la waktu free..reg kos x setel pn lg..
skang ni xdpt nk reg 8 paper,sb kedit hour x cukup..so kena reg 7 paper je dulu..
kalo memg x ckup gak kedit hour,,terpakse la wat shot kos tuk 2 lagi paper..
enggak mau sambung lagi satu sem sb 2 paper je..huhu..
ok lah..nk bersiap..nk kemas beg..babai..
okehhh..ari isnin ni stat kelas tuk sem 4..dh rase ke'seronok'an tuk sem depan ni..
konfem2 la subjek lg 'senang' n byk la waktu free..reg kos x setel pn lg..
skang ni xdpt nk reg 8 paper,sb kedit hour x cukup..so kena reg 7 paper je dulu..
kalo memg x ckup gak kedit hour,,terpakse la wat shot kos tuk 2 lagi paper..
enggak mau sambung lagi satu sem sb 2 paper je..huhu..
ok lah..nk bersiap..nk kemas beg..babai..
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
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