so, time cuti macam ni pe aktiviti korang sume? sori, ayat bahasa melayu tak brape lulus,,hehe..
urm,, i reaally really reaally want this holiday so much, so i'm gonna enjoy it to the fullest.. hihihi..
okeyh,, back to the topic, i've been to Exspo Cheng Ho 2010 which been held at Stadium Muhammad ke-IV from 21st until 26th of November 2010.. there are various booth, exhibition and show going on during the exspo.. halal food from china, museum Cheng Ho, traditional Chinese medicine.. overall, this exspo is more to the Islamic Community from China..
One thing that i really interested in is the acrobatic and shaolin kungfu show.. i've never been to any acrobatic show before, that's makes me feel excited to watch the show.. :D
this show been held from 21st-24th Nov.. Ticket price is different for adult and children..

i'm having so much fun during the show.. actually the show start with the shaolin kungfu performance but the photo that i snap for the shaolin kungfu is not clear,. my bad.. hihi..
*p/s: nk pegi pulau, tp pulau tutup hujung tahun mcm ni.. huhu...
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