Long time no see (^_^) hehe.. Just want to share a very happy news, even though it's a bit late, but I still want to share it.. Yeay~~!! I’ve finished my degree in ISE, after 2 years of hard work. Congrates to me and to all my friends (^_^),. Da boleh senyum lebar dah pasni.. Gudbye ISE,.

So, done with my first wish, and there are still 4 things to do on my wish list this year. Hurm, WORK..? Very complicated lah.. Ok, at first when I finished this degree, I’ve always saying that I want to work in other field. Coz I’m kind of afraid n not ready to work in the ISE field (Programmer, System Analyst etc..),. And then tup tup, I got an offer to work as HR Payroll in one of the Oil & Gas Company at Port Klang. OK, wish comes true! Just grab it Ana!! I got this job after and interview session with the company, and then they asked me to report to work on 20th Feb (Monday).. I’ve 4 days (from the day of interview) to move from my new house to my brother’s house in Klang.. After 3 days of thinking and evaluating, I refuse the job,. I called them saying that I’ve already got another job near my house,. Settle with Oil & Gas Company,.
And then, on the day that I’m supposed to report to work at the company, I’ve a call from another company. An Interior Design Gallery. To be the PA (Personal Assistant) to the boss. So, the next day, I started to work there.. It only last for 3 days, hehe.. If u ask me why, the answer is that I “CANNOT GO” with the boss.. Want to know more story bout this, msg me k.. hehe.. It’s not good to talk behind her back here.. ;p
So, now I’m back to being a jobless fresh graduate,. Hehe.. Hopefully I’ll get a job with the good environment, good boss, good colleagues, and all good lah..
*p/s: Got another job interview.. hurm.. nak pegi ke x nak..?
Hey girls, i'm jobless too. hahaha. cool. n me, also no attend for interview with first company. plus, CONGRATULATIONS for completion study.
U too :)
CONGRATES 4 completing your degree,. n GUDLUCK in finding the suitable job..
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