post pendek je ni..urm, I've been accepted to further my study for the degree next year..actually it's two weeks from now..huhu...i'm soooo nervous when thinking of this..
degree details are as follows: <----------------------skema kan? ;D CS226 Information System Engineering
UiTM Shah Alam
College: Not provided..
hurm,..skang ni tgh cr sponsor tuk dgree..tp xde yg open..dalam bulan 4 n 5 tahun dpn br ade bka tuk permohonan bru..kena mintak sponsor pa@ma dlu la,..huhu..
truthfully,,dh xnak stadi,,..but because of my father said, "while u still can, it's better for u to study..".. i'm thinking of working..to earn my own money, so that I don't have to depends on my parents anymore..to help them, not them helping me..
hope dpt sponsorship,, xyah pinjam ptptn..huhu..no pin pn xbli lg ni..pe2 pn,,gd luck 4 ur dgree!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Twilight Saga...
In the first book, Twilight explain how Bella and Edward fall in love with each other although Bella is already know that Edward is a vampire. She wants Edward to change her into a vampire to live forever with him. The second book, New Moon tells about Edward who leaves Bella for her own good, and Bella who become a best friend of Jacob after Edward left her. This book also explain how Jacob change into a werewolf and the facts that werewolf hates vampire so much. The climax is when Edward wants to kill himself after he got false news that Bella has died.
In the third book, Eclipse (which I like the most) where there’s quite a lot of actions when the not so vegetarian vampires are after Bella. The werewolves and The Cullens fight together to protect Bella from the bad vampires. In the last book, Breaking Dawn (which I think quite boring..hihi) describe how Bella became a vampire. The plot start with the marriage between Bella and Edward (human & vampire..haha), have a daughter named Reneesme and end with a happily ever after. For more details, pleaaaseeee read the book.,.hehe..
For me, I like Harry Potter more (books version, not the movies). The movie, 'Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince' make me fall asleep after I’ve watched it for half an hour..huhu..because so many scene have been cut from the books, and make it less interesting. I hope they'll make two movies for the last book.
*vegetarian – a vampire who does not drink human blood, he only drink animal blood.
p/s: my sis bought these books, although she never knew about the Twilight movie...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
yeaa!! fuhh... hurm...
yeaa~~!!! praktikal da abis,. automatik nyer,abis la jgk diploma ku..hepi la..
dah tua br abis diploma..haha..
tp syukur la,,.dlu aku da x mau study,nk keje..
tetibe je terbuka pintu hati tuk smbg blaja..apply uitm 2nd intake ni..
tup2,,da abis diplma 3 tahun..huhu..skejap je rase..
fuhhh....lega tul x kena represent sistem..sume lpas walau pun sistem agak kurang best..
report sume dh setel, ni br lpas pos laju report kt puan ina..huhu...slesai sudah sume yg berkaitan ngan praktikal..yeaaa...
hurm,,..bulan lpas is my besday..waa..umur dah makin meningkat remaja (remaja la sgt..haha)..
i'm still single,,i wonder when it's going to be my 1st relationship..huhu..dr dlu smpai skang,status single je..haha...why am i still single? 1. i'm not ready,... 2. i dont know the right way to love someone,so i'm quite scared of it,.. 3. i love someone n he doesn't love me back or otherwise,.. 4. i'm hepi being single,,.. 5. tgu kak muna couple dlu,,...hihihi...
yg plg sure no 5 la..haha..
hurm,...skang ni tgh tgu reslt dgree kuar..i'm still thinking wether i wat to further mt study or not..huhu..sambung rase nyer..pakse rela..anyway, gd luck to me,,.hope dpt dgree yg di sukai..hehe..
dah tua br abis diploma..haha..
tp syukur la,,.dlu aku da x mau study,nk keje..
tetibe je terbuka pintu hati tuk smbg blaja..apply uitm 2nd intake ni..
tup2,,da abis diplma 3 tahun..huhu..skejap je rase..
fuhhh....lega tul x kena represent sistem..sume lpas walau pun sistem agak kurang best..
report sume dh setel, ni br lpas pos laju report kt puan ina..huhu...slesai sudah sume yg berkaitan ngan praktikal..yeaaa...
hurm,,..bulan lpas is my besday..waa..umur dah makin meningkat remaja (remaja la sgt..haha)..
i'm still single,,i wonder when it's going to be my 1st relationship..huhu..dr dlu smpai skang,status single je..haha...why am i still single? 1. i'm not ready,... 2. i dont know the right way to love someone,so i'm quite scared of it,.. 3. i love someone n he doesn't love me back or otherwise,.. 4. i'm hepi being single,,.. 5. tgu kak muna couple dlu,,...hihihi...
yg plg sure no 5 la..haha..
hurm,...skang ni tgh tgu reslt dgree kuar..i'm still thinking wether i wat to further mt study or not..huhu..sambung rase nyer..pakse rela..anyway, gd luck to me,,.hope dpt dgree yg di sukai..hehe..
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
it's good when u feel down..
when u feel down,,or when u feel tension..when u need someone to comfort u..
when u feel tired of this world..when u feel like u don't belong in that places..
when u feel like everyone around u doesn't like u...when u feel like nobody loves u..
when u lost strength in what u do..
just listen to this song,,hope it'll cheer u up.. u will like the way u r..coz that's u rite?
Joey Mcintyre - Stay The Same
Don't you ever wish
You were someone else
You were meant to be
The way you are exactly
Don't you ever say
You don't like the way you are
When you learn to love yourself
You better off by far
And I hope you always stay the same
cause there's nothing 'bout you I will change
I think that you could be
Whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize
All the dreams you have inside
Don't be afraid
If you've got something to say
Just open up your heart
And let it show you the way
[repeat chorus]
Believe in yourself
Reach down inside
The love you found
will set you free
Believe in yourself
You will come alive
Have faith in what you do
You'll make it through..ohhh...yeah..
[repeat chorus]
No there nothing 'bout you I will change [x2]
Don't change..
p/s: Hope u enjoy listen to this song..hope it will brighten ur day..
when u feel tired of this world..when u feel like u don't belong in that places..
when u feel like everyone around u doesn't like u...when u feel like nobody loves u..
when u lost strength in what u do..
just listen to this song,,hope it'll cheer u up.. u will like the way u r..coz that's u rite?
Joey Mcintyre - Stay The Same
Don't you ever wish
You were someone else
You were meant to be
The way you are exactly
Don't you ever say
You don't like the way you are
When you learn to love yourself
You better off by far
And I hope you always stay the same
cause there's nothing 'bout you I will change
I think that you could be
Whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize
All the dreams you have inside
Don't be afraid
If you've got something to say
Just open up your heart
And let it show you the way
[repeat chorus]
Believe in yourself
Reach down inside
The love you found
will set you free
Believe in yourself
You will come alive
Have faith in what you do
You'll make it through..ohhh...yeah..
[repeat chorus]
No there nothing 'bout you I will change [x2]
Don't change..
p/s: Hope u enjoy listen to this song..hope it will brighten ur day..
da lame x update blog ni..how r u? i'm kind of miss u la..hehe
a lot of things happened for this past few month..
puasa la..hehe..puasa tahun ni best sb dpt bka puasa penuh kt umah..huhu..
dah lame x bka puasa penuh kt umah,,more than 4 years i think..
rayer...juga amat2 best sb dpt jumpe member lame yg dh lost contact for 6 years...
sume muka dh lain,,n dh tgi2..haha..aku je yg x tgi2 jgk... memg best la jmpe korang..
igt blek kenangan zaman muda dlu..n dh ramai kawan2 kite yg dh kawen..
aku still single cam dlu,,uwaa..
lpas rayer g dner dkan at jengka...
miss jengka so much la...dpr jumpe sume dak2 ni n celebrate my besday there..
wlaupun ade a few yg x sempat jumpe,,it's been a joyful trip..huhu
jengka dh byk brubah,,uitm sbnrnyer yg brubah..dh ade susur gajah br khas tuk kilah..wawawa..
memg byk la perubahan die,bgunan sdg dibina pn byk gak..a new library,swimming pool (ni yg best nyer), girl's college, academic buildings n so on..
diner dkan...this semester x best cam semester2 lpas...
i'm quite dissapointed with it..haha...
pyer la bosan diner mlm tu..berterabur je..makan brebut,,seat pn kena brebut jgk..aku sempat terlelap time adun jengka bg ucap tama die..huhu
tp cndremata sem ni quite cumil la..hehe..
praktikal yg dh smpai ujung nyer...
ari ni 2nd last day at this ofis..huhu..excited nk abis praktikal sb nk focus wat sistem n report..
smalam lect penyelia dtg,,n die sguh baik hati..
die komen sistem aku..
kena tukar interface,,wat access level login,,
my erd,diagram O, n contect diagram totally wrong..ahahha..aku pn xtau pe yg aku wat..
n a lot more..
so,,i've decided to make a new system..
smpat ke? harap2 smpt la..
kalu x smpt,aku present je gne sistem yg dh ade skang ni..
agak tekanan jgk sbnrnyer ni..report pn byk lg x complete..br dk introduction to organization..
harap2 sempat la siap sume sistem n report on time..
so,,that's all for now..see u again blog ku syg...
a lot of things happened for this past few month..
puasa la..hehe..puasa tahun ni best sb dpt bka puasa penuh kt umah..huhu..
dah lame x bka puasa penuh kt umah,,more than 4 years i think..
rayer...juga amat2 best sb dpt jumpe member lame yg dh lost contact for 6 years...
sume muka dh lain,,n dh tgi2..haha..aku je yg x tgi2 jgk... memg best la jmpe korang..
igt blek kenangan zaman muda dlu..n dh ramai kawan2 kite yg dh kawen..
aku still single cam dlu,,uwaa..
lpas rayer g dner dkan at jengka...
miss jengka so much la...dpr jumpe sume dak2 ni n celebrate my besday there..
wlaupun ade a few yg x sempat jumpe,,it's been a joyful trip..huhu
jengka dh byk brubah,,uitm sbnrnyer yg brubah..dh ade susur gajah br khas tuk kilah..wawawa..
memg byk la perubahan die,bgunan sdg dibina pn byk gak..a new library,swimming pool (ni yg best nyer), girl's college, academic buildings n so on..
diner dkan...this semester x best cam semester2 lpas...
i'm quite dissapointed with it..haha...
pyer la bosan diner mlm tu..berterabur je..makan brebut,,seat pn kena brebut jgk..aku sempat terlelap time adun jengka bg ucap tama die..huhu
tp cndremata sem ni quite cumil la..hehe..
praktikal yg dh smpai ujung nyer...
ari ni 2nd last day at this ofis..huhu..excited nk abis praktikal sb nk focus wat sistem n report..
smalam lect penyelia dtg,,n die sguh baik hati..
die komen sistem aku..
kena tukar interface,,wat access level login,,
my erd,diagram O, n contect diagram totally wrong..ahahha..aku pn xtau pe yg aku wat..
n a lot more..
so,,i've decided to make a new system..
smpat ke? harap2 smpt la..
kalu x smpt,aku present je gne sistem yg dh ade skang ni..
agak tekanan jgk sbnrnyer ni..report pn byk lg x complete..br dk introduction to organization..
harap2 sempat la siap sume sistem n report on time..
so,,that's all for now..see u again blog ku syg...
Monday, August 24, 2009
"terima kasih.."
susah ke nk ungkapkan kata2 tu lpas org tlg kite wat something?
kt tempat praktikal aku ade sorang pegawai yg slalu suh aku wat bykkk keje...
ade yg munasabah,ade gak yg agak kurang munasabah..
the story begin when he got a phone call from unit akaun and they told him to take a few documents at that place. so.,die pn suh la aku g ambik kt unit akaun yg 3,4 blok jauh nyer dr blok aku. da la unit aku ni kat tingkat 4, bulan puasa and i'm fasting, i'm a girl, i dont even know the way to the unit akaun, n most important is that it is not my job to get the documents..
2,3 org pegawai lain suh die tepon office boy di unit aku, sb diorang x nak susah kan aku..but he refused, die nk gak duh aku g..so aku pn pegi la..reluctantly,but i successfully went there and came back...
sampai je kt unit aku, aku bagi la dokumen tu kt die..die selamber nyer x ucap terima kasih kt aku..i'm not gagging for it, but it is nice to hear someone thanks to you after you have done something and it makes you feel that he appreciates your help...
nasib baek la ari ni puasa,,kena byk sabar,,so,aku sabar je la...nti kurang plak pahala puasa aku kan? hehehe...ok,da ade org suh wat keje..saje nk membebel kt sini sb kalo membebel kat pejabat nti ade org trase...hehehe..best gak ade blog ni kan? (*_^)
kt tempat praktikal aku ade sorang pegawai yg slalu suh aku wat bykkk keje...
ade yg munasabah,ade gak yg agak kurang munasabah..
the story begin when he got a phone call from unit akaun and they told him to take a few documents at that place. so.,die pn suh la aku g ambik kt unit akaun yg 3,4 blok jauh nyer dr blok aku. da la unit aku ni kat tingkat 4, bulan puasa and i'm fasting, i'm a girl, i dont even know the way to the unit akaun, n most important is that it is not my job to get the documents..
2,3 org pegawai lain suh die tepon office boy di unit aku, sb diorang x nak susah kan aku..but he refused, die nk gak duh aku g..so aku pn pegi la..reluctantly,but i successfully went there and came back...
sampai je kt unit aku, aku bagi la dokumen tu kt die..die selamber nyer x ucap terima kasih kt aku..i'm not gagging for it, but it is nice to hear someone thanks to you after you have done something and it makes you feel that he appreciates your help...
nasib baek la ari ni puasa,,kena byk sabar,,so,aku sabar je la...nti kurang plak pahala puasa aku kan? hehehe...ok,da ade org suh wat keje..saje nk membebel kt sini sb kalo membebel kat pejabat nti ade org trase...hehehe..best gak ade blog ni kan? (*_^)
nape la bosan sgt ari ni?...
da la download nur kasih x siap2,,pstu trus stop dh..kena la tgu donlot esk..
line internet yg slow cam cicak kena h1n1..hampeh tul rase...
patut ker aku bli bb? best gak ade bb,bleh main internet sampai lebam...
hurm....tp duit jpa nk simpan tuk smbg dgree thn depan sb xde orang nk support...
ni time rehat,tp xg rehat sb puasa..kawan2 ofis sume kuar..
ofis alone la ni..hehhe..
da la download nur kasih x siap2,,pstu trus stop dh..kena la tgu donlot esk..
line internet yg slow cam cicak kena h1n1..hampeh tul rase...
patut ker aku bli bb? best gak ade bb,bleh main internet sampai lebam...
hurm....tp duit jpa nk simpan tuk smbg dgree thn depan sb xde orang nk support...
ni time rehat,tp xg rehat sb puasa..kawan2 ofis sume kuar..
ofis alone la ni..hehhe..
Monday, August 10, 2009
“Assalamualaikum puan..”
Am I that old to be called ‘puan’?
I’m doing my practical training in JPN Kelantan which is Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan. My office is in the same building with SK Padang Garong, so I will eventually meet with the student of the school everyday during the day. Every time I met them, they will say “Assalamualaikum cikgu” or “Assalamualaikum kak” and I feel really proud bout it, but today one of the students says “Assalamualaikum puan”.
Am I that old to be called that way?
Or did the practical training have made me aging and look matured?
Or am I look like I am already married?
Back when I was a little girl, I dream to be a teacher. But as time goes by, I start to realize that I’m interested in doing something else rather than be a teacher. Do you think that I’m suitable to be a teacher? Hahaha... Or am I able to teach well? Or can I really be a teacher?
Hahaha…but then it was kind of funny to be called ‘puan’ by someone.
I’m doing my practical training in JPN Kelantan which is Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan. My office is in the same building with SK Padang Garong, so I will eventually meet with the student of the school everyday during the day. Every time I met them, they will say “Assalamualaikum cikgu” or “Assalamualaikum kak” and I feel really proud bout it, but today one of the students says “Assalamualaikum puan”.
Am I that old to be called that way?
Or did the practical training have made me aging and look matured?
Or am I look like I am already married?
Back when I was a little girl, I dream to be a teacher. But as time goes by, I start to realize that I’m interested in doing something else rather than be a teacher. Do you think that I’m suitable to be a teacher? Hahaha... Or am I able to teach well? Or can I really be a teacher?
Hahaha…but then it was kind of funny to be called ‘puan’ by someone.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
hate u...i realy do..
i kind of hate bus..all the things about the bus..
bus driver,,
bus smell,,
bus alarm,,
bus schedule,,
bus seats,,
every time i ride the bus on the way home from the office,,it's really sucks!! i do agree wif the goverment that we should use public transport,,but i really can't stand it..the bus is always late,sometimes i have to wait for over an hour for the bus n it's tiring..usually it will only take me about 15 minutes to get to my house from the office by car,but by bus it will take me about 2 hours,,
da la lambat datang,pastu kena marah lg ngan pakcik bas yg garang tu,,
die tensen kot sb bwk bas jalan jem,,tp die x spatut nyer marah kan customer yg xtau pe2 ni..
huhu..loceng bas plak kdg2 xde pn yg berfungsi..i have to shout for the pak cik to stop the bus,,hoho.. like tarzan rite?
i really hate it..haha...ape gelak2?
bus driver,,
bus smell,,
bus alarm,,
bus schedule,,
bus seats,,
every time i ride the bus on the way home from the office,,it's really sucks!! i do agree wif the goverment that we should use public transport,,but i really can't stand it..the bus is always late,sometimes i have to wait for over an hour for the bus n it's tiring..usually it will only take me about 15 minutes to get to my house from the office by car,but by bus it will take me about 2 hours,,
da la lambat datang,pastu kena marah lg ngan pakcik bas yg garang tu,,
die tensen kot sb bwk bas jalan jem,,tp die x spatut nyer marah kan customer yg xtau pe2 ni..
huhu..loceng bas plak kdg2 xde pn yg berfungsi..i have to shout for the pak cik to stop the bus,,hoho.. like tarzan rite?
i really hate it..haha...ape gelak2?
best nyer kalo ade owg dedicate dis song to me~~
Soundtrack: Notting Hill
Title: She - Elvis Costello
may be the face I can't forget
a trace of pleasure I regret
may be my treasure or the price I have to pay
she may be the song that Solomon sings
may be the chill that autumn brings
my be a hounded tearful things
within the measure of the day.
may be the beauty or the beast
may be the famine or the feast
may turn each day into heave or a hell
she may be the mirror of my dream
a smile reflected in a stream
she may not be what she may seem
inside as shell
she who always seems so happy 'n proud
who's eyes can be so private and so proud
no one's allowed to see them when they cry
she may be the love that can and hope to last
may come to me from shadows of the past
that I remember till day I die
may be the reason I survive
the why and where for I'm alive
the one I'll care for through the rough and rainy years
me I'll take her laughter and her tears
and make them all my souvenirs
for where she goes I got to be
the meaning of my life is
she, she, she
Title: She - Elvis Costello
may be the face I can't forget
a trace of pleasure I regret
may be my treasure or the price I have to pay
she may be the song that Solomon sings
may be the chill that autumn brings
my be a hounded tearful things
within the measure of the day.
may be the beauty or the beast
may be the famine or the feast
may turn each day into heave or a hell
she may be the mirror of my dream
a smile reflected in a stream
she may not be what she may seem
inside as shell
she who always seems so happy 'n proud
who's eyes can be so private and so proud
no one's allowed to see them when they cry
she may be the love that can and hope to last
may come to me from shadows of the past
that I remember till day I die
may be the reason I survive
the why and where for I'm alive
the one I'll care for through the rough and rainy years
me I'll take her laughter and her tears
and make them all my souvenirs
for where she goes I got to be
the meaning of my life is
she, she, she
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