Wednesday, September 22, 2010

pivot column..

sy nk privatekan blog..i'm reaaaallllly is the most foolish gurl ever!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

butterfly in my stomach..

hurm,,'s hard for me to open my heart to anyone..that's include towards my girlfriends or boyfriends, it bcoz for me trusting someone is really a hard thing to do..
urm, it is bcoz i had bad experience with trust? i'm not sure why..

at first, i hate writing, but now when i started to open my heart to it, i loved is the same with people..? it is as simple as i opened up my heart to writing..?

peoples; it's hard to predicts their true feeling, n it can be complicated sometimes..i hate complicated things, but that doesn't mean i hate people,. that's why i always avoid complicated things..i know it's not a good thing to do, always avoiding something you don't like coz one day whether u like it or not u will have to face it..

now, i start to learn to open up to people around me..better late than never rite..?
but sometimes there are times i still prefer to live in the world where there's only me live inside it..

and after i open my heart to 'people', there's a butterfly in my stomach..i don't know what to do,,.
plezz la,,just go away butterfly..go playing in other person's stomach..shuuu,,shuuu...i hate it when i have feeling like this..hurm..,.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

hepi hepi holiday~~!!

hikhik..salam..nk cite keseronokan blek kg slepas 2 bulan aku x blek...pyer la sonok blek umah, bukti nyer 2 ari aku x main ngan lappy aku ni..ari isnin smpai, rabu br buka lappy ni..
aku smpai ari isnin kt umah..dlm kul11pg,tolak lpas sahur dr shah alam..ngan abg aku..myb sb abg aku bwk kete laju,so kitorang smpai awl..aku bajet dlm kul1 smpai,,tp awl 2 jam..

petang isnin tu jgk, aku g bazar ramadan kt wkf bharu,,.bli muratabak yg aku kepingin nk mkn dr ari first pose lg, kt shah alam murtabak die x sesedap murtabak kt wakaf bharu..hepi dpt mkn murtabak..huhu..satu bende aku pasan, harga brg kt bazar wkf bharu ni dh naik, xde dh kuih yg bungkus rm1..thun lpas still ade..

semalam, kul9pg dh gerak g kb..g bli bju rayer tuk adik2 aku..abes satu kb kitorang round..dr mpkb ke parkson ke zon ria ke giant..hehe..smpai umah kul3ptg..pyer la meround,,abes duit kakak aku tlg byrkan aku pyer bju n kasut..haha..aku kan pokai, xdpt JPA..menyampah!

rehat2 kejap, kwn aku msg ajak berbuka kt luar..nsib baek smlm xde plan lg nk msk pe kt, aku pn janji la ngan diorang nk g buka same2..kul6 ptg aku kuar,,kitorang g kt zakini nasi kukus..lpas susah pyh cr parking, g kt zakini, tp meja dh penuh..huhu..nasib baik la akak indon kt kedai tu nk open satu table tuk berbuka la kt zakini..lps berbuka, kwn aku ajak g kb mall..smyag mghrib kt sane, pastu round2 jap..xleh lame2 sb kwn aku kena blek b4 kul9..bli pe yg ptut, patu kitorang blek..sgt2 best buka ngan korang...aku smpai umah dlm kul9.30..

dk kt umah kejap, abg aku ajak g wakaf che yeh..aku malas nk pegi sbnrnyer, sb mak aku ajak,pegi la..rmai gler org kt wakaf che yeh smpai nk jalan pn blom org kl sume blek.,huhu..xtau la mlm rayer nti cane..biase mlm rayer wakaf che yeh rmai org, sb byk lelong2 bju rayer,biskut rayer..aku x bli pe2 pn kt kt situ..abg aku,kak ipar n mak aku je beli brg..aku tukang bwk brg, smpai umah kul12.30..
ngantok+letih yg amat..

okeh,,abes sume tempat yg aku nk g, dh pegi dlm satu hari je..nk g mane lg pasni..? pantai blom ngalahkan yb..

*p/s: keje byk cuti ni..E-Advising ku syg x tgk lansung lg..malas nyer~~!!

Friday, September 3, 2010


i'm not a perfect byk kekurangan..jgn expect lebih dr sy..u will just feel dissapointed later..

*p/s: slmt ari rayer..nk mintak maaf kalo ade slah silap..okies?
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