even if u give up,,life will still goes on. without u realizing it, u will be left behind. so, don't stop going n moving on, cause life will not wait for u..but u can take a rest for once a while, when u feel like u really tired n really really needed the rest, then it's okay for u to take a break cause it will make u feel more energize after that n can make u see things more clearly.. i supposed i reaallyyy need a rest now..! can't wait for the holiday next week..one more week to go dear.. :-)
my dear friends,,have u ever thought about quitting your study? i have..not once or twice..so many time till i lost count..everyday i'm thinking of quitting my studies..but i don't even dare to take another step further, cause i know my parents will be very disappointed with me n i hate it when i let them down. so, i need to struggle n the most important thing is don't give up..!
i've read a poem, n it's inspired me to just don't give up..here's the poem n i hope it can make u feel different after reading it..
Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
- Edgar A. Guest
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
woke up on the wrong side of my bed..
ok,this idiom means that i had a bad day today,i think today is one of the worst day of my life..:-(
as usual, i sleep early n set my alarm clock at 4 am so that i can wake up n do the homework or assignment..
so today, i woke up at 4 n start doing Java Programmning which is my lab exercises n u know what? i took over than 2 hours just to finish the first question.
i don't know y how many times i read the instruction but still i couldn't understand it..so i got the output wrong, n bcoz of it have to be passed up today, i had no choice to just print the wrong coding.
it's also the same for the second question..since i got class at 10.30 n finish doing Java around 8.30 n feel really sleepy, so i take the time to sleep n wake up at half past 9..
i know that today i have class at 10.30 but i thought today is wednesday..so, i prepare the book n print the necessary notes for wednesday timetable eventhough today is tuesday..
i keep worrying about the test that i gonna have in 2 days (cause today is wednesday)..after i settle prepare for the class, i look at the time n it's already 10.15, n it's late!!
i haven't take my bath yet, n i just realise after my fren told me that today is actually tuesday.
after that, i took out all the books n notes from my bag, n replace it with today's
book n notes..at 10.45, i message my fren asking whether the lecturer has come to class or not,n at 11 she told me that the lect just enter the class..
at that time i'm still at home n keep thinking whether to go to the class or not..at the end, i still went to the class n arrive at 11.30..huh..late isn't it? an HOUR late!!
if i'm the lecturer, of course i'll be mad,.this is what she ask me when i first arrive..
Lecturer:"where r u from?"
me:"(hesitatedly) urm,,.br smpai.."
Lecturer:"br smpai?? then why are u late?"
me:"........ (no answer)"
Lecturer:"(with more higher tone) i'm asking u, why r u late?"
me:"..............(still no answer)"
Lecturer:"if this is ur attitude, i'm sure u will FAIL this paper"
me:"...........(surprised n hurt)" <----- i deserve it..
i never felt like this before, been scold n told that i will FAIL..her words is still inside my head..i know that i'm wrong n i'm sorry..truthfully, i really doesn't like this subject,
if i can drop this paper, i will do it without even thinking twice about dropping it. but i can't cause this is a core subject!
after the lecture, she gave another homework that's make my collection of homework become more variety n lovely~~!! i already had so many project, assignment n test this week..huh,,
after that, java lecture..the lecturer ask to pass up the lab exercise..n i gave it to her, immediately in front of me she open the exercise this is what she say..
Lecturer2:"why ur output is like this?"
me:"it is wrong? (innocently)"
Lecturer:"this is not the output,,u haven't finish showing the output"
Lecturer:"u have to show the exact output, so what u do is wrong..then, i will have to deduct ur mark"
end of second lecture..+ with the new homework (lab exercise) n news from the lecturer that the java test will be untill chapter 5, which mean i need to read for extra one chapter for the test..
i'm not happy with this :-(
then,,the third lecture for today,my lovely japanese class..as usual, bcoz i need to take the bus from faculty to the japanese class, i will always be late for the class..my japanese class start on 2.10pm n the java class finish at 2.00pm..
usually, java class will finish 10-15 minutes early, so i will not be late for the next class. but today when i'm waiting for the bus it's already 2.05,.then, i arrive at the class at 2.20pm..
this is consider quite early than my previous week when i'm late for half an hour..so, when i come into the class, i already feel the mood in the class is not so good..
they are discussing about something, n i wondering what is it? after i listen to it, i realise that the sensei are mad about my classmate which going hometown early for Hari Raya.
She say that the week on the Hari Raya,there will be reading & oral test..she insists on doing it on that day (7 sept) and most of my classmate already bought the bus ticket on 4 sept..
so, she really mad bcoz we didn't discuss the matter with her first n she decide on doing the test next week on tuesday..she only available on tuesday and want to do the test from 12.30 to 2pm on tuesday which mean me and some of the classmate that have java class will have to skip java class..
she already really mad, that she said..
Sensei:"whoever didn't come for the test next will lost 20 marks..! i will not do the test during class lecture because i need to finish the syllabus according to the plan..all of u when it comes to finish the class, everyone want to go early, but u all come late to my class..how can i start the class early?"
every week, i'm late to her class..sorry, but what can i do about it? hurmm..
back to the test, because all of us are from different program n have different timetable, so it is hard to decide the time when all of us are available..then after discussing n bickering a little bit for an hour (sensei start lecture at 3.05pm), we all agree to do the test next week on tuesday start from 9 am to 12pm..
settle the problem..n another one come..hehe..this is my mistake, i wrongly took the last semester book to the class, the green one, not the blue..
this is all because of me that thounght today is wednesday n in a hurry, i mistook the book..so, i pretend that i have the right book..really had a bad day today..
i can't wait to finish the japanese class bcoz i've already promise my fren to go to the bazar ramadan at the stadium..she prommised me that she will message me after i finish the class..
then here comes the messages saying "sorry, cannot go to the bazar,cause it's raining n i have flu.."..... arghhhhh, here goes my dream about the bazar n all the delicious food..
when i receive the message, i already at my home, n i haven't bought anything to break fast..that mean i will need to go down to buy the food, n i don't know what to buy..
actually, a fren of mine already ask me to break fast with him, but i cancelled it (sorry,i have to) bcoz i already promise with my girlfrends..at the end,,i couldn't get both of them n i break fast with the food from selaseh with my housemate,,..
that's alll...
*p/s: tomorrow is wednesday dear~~!!
as usual, i sleep early n set my alarm clock at 4 am so that i can wake up n do the homework or assignment..
so today, i woke up at 4 n start doing Java Programmning which is my lab exercises n u know what? i took over than 2 hours just to finish the first question.
i don't know y how many times i read the instruction but still i couldn't understand it..so i got the output wrong, n bcoz of it have to be passed up today, i had no choice to just print the wrong coding.
it's also the same for the second question..since i got class at 10.30 n finish doing Java around 8.30 n feel really sleepy, so i take the time to sleep n wake up at half past 9..
i know that today i have class at 10.30 but i thought today is wednesday..so, i prepare the book n print the necessary notes for wednesday timetable eventhough today is tuesday..
i keep worrying about the test that i gonna have in 2 days (cause today is wednesday)..after i settle prepare for the class, i look at the time n it's already 10.15, n it's late!!
i haven't take my bath yet, n i just realise after my fren told me that today is actually tuesday.
after that, i took out all the books n notes from my bag, n replace it with today's
book n notes..at 10.45, i message my fren asking whether the lecturer has come to class or not,n at 11 she told me that the lect just enter the class..
at that time i'm still at home n keep thinking whether to go to the class or not..at the end, i still went to the class n arrive at 11.30..huh..late isn't it? an HOUR late!!
if i'm the lecturer, of course i'll be mad,.this is what she ask me when i first arrive..
Lecturer:"where r u from?"
me:"(hesitatedly) urm,,.br smpai.."
Lecturer:"br smpai?? then why are u late?"
me:"........ (no answer)"
Lecturer:"(with more higher tone) i'm asking u, why r u late?"
me:"..............(still no answer)"
Lecturer:"if this is ur attitude, i'm sure u will FAIL this paper"
me:"...........(surprised n hurt)" <----- i deserve it..
i never felt like this before, been scold n told that i will FAIL..her words is still inside my head..i know that i'm wrong n i'm sorry..truthfully, i really doesn't like this subject,
if i can drop this paper, i will do it without even thinking twice about dropping it. but i can't cause this is a core subject!
after the lecture, she gave another homework that's make my collection of homework become more variety n lovely~~!! i already had so many project, assignment n test this week..huh,,
after that, java lecture..the lecturer ask to pass up the lab exercise..n i gave it to her, immediately in front of me she open the exercise this is what she say..
Lecturer2:"why ur output is like this?"
me:"it is wrong? (innocently)"
Lecturer:"this is not the output,,u haven't finish showing the output"
Lecturer:"u have to show the exact output, so what u do is wrong..then, i will have to deduct ur mark"
end of second lecture..+ with the new homework (lab exercise) n news from the lecturer that the java test will be untill chapter 5, which mean i need to read for extra one chapter for the test..
i'm not happy with this :-(
then,,the third lecture for today,my lovely japanese class..as usual, bcoz i need to take the bus from faculty to the japanese class, i will always be late for the class..my japanese class start on 2.10pm n the java class finish at 2.00pm..
usually, java class will finish 10-15 minutes early, so i will not be late for the next class. but today when i'm waiting for the bus it's already 2.05,.then, i arrive at the class at 2.20pm..
this is consider quite early than my previous week when i'm late for half an hour..so, when i come into the class, i already feel the mood in the class is not so good..
they are discussing about something, n i wondering what is it? after i listen to it, i realise that the sensei are mad about my classmate which going hometown early for Hari Raya.
She say that the week on the Hari Raya,there will be reading & oral test..she insists on doing it on that day (7 sept) and most of my classmate already bought the bus ticket on 4 sept..
so, she really mad bcoz we didn't discuss the matter with her first n she decide on doing the test next week on tuesday..she only available on tuesday and want to do the test from 12.30 to 2pm on tuesday which mean me and some of the classmate that have java class will have to skip java class..
she already really mad, that she said..
Sensei:"whoever didn't come for the test next will lost 20 marks..! i will not do the test during class lecture because i need to finish the syllabus according to the plan..all of u when it comes to finish the class, everyone want to go early, but u all come late to my class..how can i start the class early?"
every week, i'm late to her class..sorry, but what can i do about it? hurmm..
back to the test, because all of us are from different program n have different timetable, so it is hard to decide the time when all of us are available..then after discussing n bickering a little bit for an hour (sensei start lecture at 3.05pm), we all agree to do the test next week on tuesday start from 9 am to 12pm..
settle the problem..n another one come..hehe..this is my mistake, i wrongly took the last semester book to the class, the green one, not the blue..
this is all because of me that thounght today is wednesday n in a hurry, i mistook the book..so, i pretend that i have the right book..really had a bad day today..
i can't wait to finish the japanese class bcoz i've already promise my fren to go to the bazar ramadan at the stadium..she prommised me that she will message me after i finish the class..
then here comes the messages saying "sorry, cannot go to the bazar,cause it's raining n i have flu.."..... arghhhhh, here goes my dream about the bazar n all the delicious food..
when i receive the message, i already at my home, n i haven't bought anything to break fast..that mean i will need to go down to buy the food, n i don't know what to buy..
actually, a fren of mine already ask me to break fast with him, but i cancelled it (sorry,i have to) bcoz i already promise with my girlfrends..at the end,,i couldn't get both of them n i break fast with the food from selaseh with my housemate,,..
that's alll...
*p/s: tomorrow is wednesday dear~~!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A lovely trip to PK...
ari ni,,aku g pusat kesihatan (PK),.kawan aku m*** yg tlg anta kan..aku demam dh masuk ari ke3,so terpakse la pegi gak sb demam ni makin teruk..first time g PK, x tau cane PK ni beroperasi..nk amik no kt mane, nk tgu kt mane..nasib baik la dr n misi kt sane baik2 sume, xde la terkontang kanting aku sorang diri..
tgu dlm 15minit, dh smpai giliran aku jmpe doktor..doktor pompuan..kecewa d situ yer..haha..die cek suhu bdn n tekanan darah..
Dr ckp suhu bdn aku tgi, even die pn terkejut..lupe plak nk tye bpe suhu bdn aku tdi..so, Dr tu suh aku masuk wad sementara kt PK tu,..aku pn pegi la kt wad tu,,..
ok,,first misi tu suh aku g MANDI..hurm? aku plik+ajaib dh..die ckp kena g mandi dlu sb aku demam panas,,..walaupun aku dh mandi b4 pegi PK tu,terpakse la mandi skali lg..die ade sediakan towel tuk aku..pastu misi td gak amik darah aku, n letak jarum tuk masuk air..aku kena masuk air 2 beg..yg kite panggil air tu sbnrnyer sodium chloride..hehehe..sakit jgk time mula2 die cucuk tu,,huhu...
ni gmbr sodium chloride tu..500ml setiap satu..dua botol ke dua beg?
dk kt wad d PK tu betul2 rase cam dk kat hospital..huhu..aku masuk wad dlm kul12..nk tgu abis masuk air tu lmbt la gak..tgh hari,,misi ade bg nasi tuk lunch..hehe..memg rase dk dlm wad kt hospital btul la,..
lauk tuk lunch..kangkung goreng,daging black paper..buah tembikai, nasi putih n air kosong..hehe..sume tawar la..ke sb deria rase aku yg x rase pe2 sb demam..
tgu dlm 15minit, dh smpai giliran aku jmpe doktor..doktor pompuan..kecewa d situ yer..haha..die cek suhu bdn n tekanan darah..
Dr ckp suhu bdn aku tgi, even die pn terkejut..lupe plak nk tye bpe suhu bdn aku tdi..so, Dr tu suh aku masuk wad sementara kt PK tu,..aku pn pegi la kt wad tu,,..
ok,,first misi tu suh aku g MANDI..hurm? aku plik+ajaib dh..die ckp kena g mandi dlu sb aku demam panas,,..walaupun aku dh mandi b4 pegi PK tu,terpakse la mandi skali lg..die ade sediakan towel tuk aku..pastu misi td gak amik darah aku, n letak jarum tuk masuk air..aku kena masuk air 2 beg..yg kite panggil air tu sbnrnyer sodium chloride..hehehe..sakit jgk time mula2 die cucuk tu,,huhu...
dk kt wad d PK tu betul2 rase cam dk kat hospital..huhu..aku masuk wad dlm kul12..nk tgu abis masuk air tu lmbt la gak..tgh hari,,misi ade bg nasi tuk lunch..hehe..memg rase dk dlm wad kt hospital btul la,..
so..dh abis masuk air dlm kul 3.15..DR cek skali lg suhu n tekanan darah,die ckp suhu bdn aku dh turun by..mula2 die igt aku kena denggi,tp bukan denggi..pastu kena g amik ubat kt kaunter farmasi..n DR tu bg aku mc 2 hari..Dr tu pesan suh minum air byk2..
bleh la rehat,,xyah g kelas..tp aku rase dh ok je..bleh kot kalo nk g kelas..
blek umah sewa,kawan aku n*** amik nga moto..thanks ya kawan2..:-)
bleh la rehat,,xyah g kelas..tp aku rase dh ok je..bleh kot kalo nk g kelas..
blek umah sewa,kawan aku n*** amik nga moto..thanks ya kawan2..:-)
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