Sunday, February 21, 2010

mari kamoo ke mari...

okehhh <--- style kawan aku...haha..da lame aku x update blog ni..xtau nk cite pe sbnrnyer..
urm, a lot of things happen since i've entered UiTM Shah Alam ni..
kesimpulan: i'm still can't adapt myself to the environment..hehe..

malam ni da nk g shah alam..smgu dk umah memg best walupn aku xwat pe2..dpt release tension n mengosongkan fikiran dr sume jenis asgment n projek..
sorry yer kwn2 kalu ade msg yg aku bls tu dgn sparuh ikhlas jer..malas nk pk ape nk reply tuk soalan berkaitan projek or asgment ni..hehe..

mlm ni tolak g shah alam, smpai myb pg esk (ari isnin).. n aku ade kelas kul 8.30pg hari itu jgk..agak2 smpt x? da la kelas ari tu smpai kul4 ptg..n dat's mean aku akan pening spnjg ari sb x cukup kemalasan yg melampau tinggi tuk g shah alam, aku amik tket btul2 d penghujung cti..hehe..time g jengka dlu xde la rase gni, abis2 lmbt pn msti aku g pg ahad, smpai mlm smpt la nk ready pe2 yg patut tuk ke kelas n dpt tdo secukup kt shah alam ni, it's really different..

if u refer to my previous post, it took me quite a long time to decide whether i want to further my study or not..i really envy one of my friend, ble die da wat keputusan for a certain thing n even if people around die x support, she will still go for it..why can't i be like her? so now, i'm starting to doubt my decision to further my diploma takes 3 years to finish, n dis degree will only take 2 and a half year..or bleh singkatkan lg jd 2 thn jer..still lame nyer rase..

whatever,whichever..i'm still going to shah alam nti shah alam bosan kalu xde aku..haha..don't give up~~!!


nocturnal said...

xtahan nape ek?
sbb belajar or hostel or something else?
kalo sbb xlarat belajar, amik mase pnjg cket, 2 tahun stgh... u got nothing to lose..
kalo pasal hostel, move out la from there...
hostel sucks!! mine even worst.. hahhaa...
meh ramai2 duk luar sem depan...
environment shah alam sendiri y xbest, oh itu sudah mesti...
kene tahan je la kot..
ape pon, try to chill out okeh?
sapot each other... budak2 kite y len pon byk y xtahan tu...
chill babe!

anaHita said...

sy x tension sb hostel..
it's ok la bg sy,,as long as die x kaco idup sy..haha..
tekanan sb stady kot..ade sbjek yg memg langsung xtau pe2..ntah la..xtau dh cane nk wat..
tp i'm still going to hanging there..
just try my best kan? <-- ayat positif..hehe..nk sedapkan hati...
btw,,..thanks atie ek..

trulyme said...

ktie..walau gapo2 pom..sabo erk..ktie bleh yer!!!
wani tau ktie mme bleh hndle..huhuh

irwan e3 said...


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