post pendek je ni..urm, I've been accepted to further my study for the degree next year..actually it's two weeks from now..huhu...i'm soooo nervous when thinking of this..
degree details are as follows: <----------------------skema kan? ;D CS226 Information System Engineering
UiTM Shah Alam
College: Not provided..
hurm,..skang ni tgh cr sponsor tuk dgree..tp xde yg open..dalam bulan 4 n 5 tahun dpn br ade bka tuk permohonan bru..kena mintak sponsor pa@ma dlu la,..huhu..
truthfully,,dh xnak stadi,,..but because of my father said, "while u still can, it's better for u to study..".. i'm thinking of working..to earn my own money, so that I don't have to depends on my parents anymore..to help them, not them helping me..
hope dpt sponsorship,, xyah pinjam ptptn..huhu..no pin pn xbli lg ni..pe2 pn,,gd luck 4 ur dgree!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Twilight Saga...
In the first book, Twilight explain how Bella and Edward fall in love with each other although Bella is already know that Edward is a vampire. She wants Edward to change her into a vampire to live forever with him. The second book, New Moon tells about Edward who leaves Bella for her own good, and Bella who become a best friend of Jacob after Edward left her. This book also explain how Jacob change into a werewolf and the facts that werewolf hates vampire so much. The climax is when Edward wants to kill himself after he got false news that Bella has died.
In the third book, Eclipse (which I like the most) where there’s quite a lot of actions when the not so vegetarian vampires are after Bella. The werewolves and The Cullens fight together to protect Bella from the bad vampires. In the last book, Breaking Dawn (which I think quite boring..hihi) describe how Bella became a vampire. The plot start with the marriage between Bella and Edward (human & vampire..haha), have a daughter named Reneesme and end with a happily ever after. For more details, pleaaaseeee read the book.,.hehe..
For me, I like Harry Potter more (books version, not the movies). The movie, 'Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince' make me fall asleep after I’ve watched it for half an hour..huhu..because so many scene have been cut from the books, and make it less interesting. I hope they'll make two movies for the last book.
*vegetarian – a vampire who does not drink human blood, he only drink animal blood.
p/s: my sis bought these books, although she never knew about the Twilight movie...
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