now the semester holiday has officially started.. huhu.. maybe for some of u, the holiday started 1 and a half month ago, but since i'm taking intersession, and just finish the exam last friday, this is the first week of my holiday.,
quite happy, but not that happy la,. coz still have to think bout the FYP for the next semester,. not sure whether i should start with the project or not.. hurm,. want to meet with my SV,, but,..
for this holiday, i'm not going back to my hometown,. just staying here at shah alam and working part time,. so, each day nothing much happened,. everyday work start at 9am and finish at 10pm.. every night, go to bed early since i'm tired..
these few days my mood is not that good, i hardly smile or laugh.. don't know what happened to me,. even if i smile, i can feel that it's not sincere.. hope i can be happy,. maybe need to go have holiday at any island, see the beach,. people says that the wave can take away all ur problems,. at least u can feel release for the moment u r at the beach,. oh, beaches~!!!
*p/s: i'm updating the blog while i'm working.. :)
Monday, June 13, 2011
arghh,, fuhh,, yeah~~!!
arghh.. tension ngan term paper!! xtaw nk meraban ape dah.. xde idea langsung n aku agak xde mase nk pikir lame2 sb aku keje.. xleh salahkan keje, sb aku sdri cari pasal pi keje part time kan..?
satu lagi tension sb result dh nk kuar.. ntah la cane result aku nti,. hope ok la..
fuhh.. akhirnyer dh nk abes dh short kos yg bosan ni.. dh xperlu g kelas eco tersayam,, haha.. :D
yeah.. minggu last kelas!! hahaha.. :)
*p/s: musim nk kuar result je aku start mimpi ngarut2.. hurm.. tekanan tol la..
satu lagi tension sb result dh nk kuar.. ntah la cane result aku nti,. hope ok la..
fuhh.. akhirnyer dh nk abes dh short kos yg bosan ni.. dh xperlu g kelas eco tersayam,, haha.. :D
yeah.. minggu last kelas!! hahaha.. :)
*p/s: musim nk kuar result je aku start mimpi ngarut2.. hurm.. tekanan tol la..
Friday, June 10, 2011
skang tgh layan Kim Tak Gu.. so, saje letak ost drama Kim Tak Gu jadi BGM blog ni.. huhu..
layan la ek, kalo xnak dgr, off kan sound kt laptop masing2..
Super Junior Kyuhyun - Hope Is A Dream That Never Sleep
*p/s: esok final bola, klate lwn ganu.. xleh pegi..
layan la ek, kalo xnak dgr, off kan sound kt laptop masing2..
Super Junior Kyuhyun - Hope Is A Dream That Never Sleep
*p/s: esok final bola, klate lwn ganu.. xleh pegi..
Sunday, May 29, 2011
SJ-M at Hari Belia Malaysia, Putrajaya..
just got back from the concert.. super duper exhausted.. but it's worth it~! i really scream like a crazy person for 1 and a half hour.. hahah.. lost my mind..
n now back to reality.. huhu..
couldn't share the photo here, coz i took it with my classic phone, and the picture came out really bad.. did bring the camera, but leave it with my brother, and i lost contact with him.. just wander around by myself.. can't get any phone signal there, network really bz..
concert start at 9.45 p.m, when it's supposed to start at 9.. some of the audience lost patient, and scream asking for the show to start.. i arrive at 9.15, hehe.. and my brother got luck, we park near the stage,. i can see them clearly!! huhu.. only 6 of them are here, donghae and siwon mayb have shooting for the drama..
they sang about 9 songs.. some solo song and their dance song, 'super girl' and 'perfecion'.. it's funny when people keep shouting for them to sing 'sorry sorry', mayb they don't know that the Suju M is different from Super Junior.. the song 'sorry sorry' can't be perform by just 6 people, it's choreographed for 12 people,,
overall, the concert ends well, no injuries or anything bad happened.. and i had a great time,. release tension :D
*p/s: come again ek Suju, next time bring along Donghae.. :p
n now back to reality.. huhu..
couldn't share the photo here, coz i took it with my classic phone, and the picture came out really bad.. did bring the camera, but leave it with my brother, and i lost contact with him.. just wander around by myself.. can't get any phone signal there, network really bz..
concert start at 9.45 p.m, when it's supposed to start at 9.. some of the audience lost patient, and scream asking for the show to start.. i arrive at 9.15, hehe.. and my brother got luck, we park near the stage,. i can see them clearly!! huhu.. only 6 of them are here, donghae and siwon mayb have shooting for the drama..
they sang about 9 songs.. some solo song and their dance song, 'super girl' and 'perfecion'.. it's funny when people keep shouting for them to sing 'sorry sorry', mayb they don't know that the Suju M is different from Super Junior.. the song 'sorry sorry' can't be perform by just 6 people, it's choreographed for 12 people,,
overall, the concert ends well, no injuries or anything bad happened.. and i had a great time,. release tension :D
*p/s: come again ek Suju, next time bring along Donghae.. :p
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
cuti 3 bulan..?
nk buat ape cuti 3 bulan?
makan, tido, gemokkan diri yg dah sedia gemok ni.. hehehe..
skang ni tengah amik short kos, smpai akhir bulan 6.. lepas short kos plan nk cari keje part time.. confirm bosan dk umah lame,, kalo ade sape2 yg taw tempat mane2 ade keje kosong, gtaw la ek.. :)
*p/s: asal nyer nk wt pos bahasa melayu, tp mcmane pn msti ade gak word mat saleh..
makan, tido, gemokkan diri yg dah sedia gemok ni.. hehehe..
skang ni tengah amik short kos, smpai akhir bulan 6.. lepas short kos plan nk cari keje part time.. confirm bosan dk umah lame,, kalo ade sape2 yg taw tempat mane2 ade keje kosong, gtaw la ek.. :)
*p/s: asal nyer nk wt pos bahasa melayu, tp mcmane pn msti ade gak word mat saleh..
Thursday, April 28, 2011
PUTRAJAYA – A famous Korean group Super Junior M will be a free concert on the 28th May for the Million Youth Association here.
The Sports and Youth Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said, that the concert will be held to attract more youth to celebrate this event that would be held from the 27th to the 29th of May.
Super Junior M will be performing for Hari Belia on 28th May 2011 in Putrajaya, organised by Marctensia Concerts..
are you serious..? concert yg berbayar dan mahal plak tu pn ramai gler org pegi..
nanti jadi rusuhan macam kat China, ade org meninggal.. hurm..
*p/s: mau pegi jugak la.. :D
PUTRAJAYA – A famous Korean group Super Junior M will be a free concert on the 28th May for the Million Youth Association here.
The Sports and Youth Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said, that the concert will be held to attract more youth to celebrate this event that would be held from the 27th to the 29th of May.
Super Junior M will be performing for Hari Belia on 28th May 2011 in Putrajaya, organised by Marctensia Concerts..
are you serious..? concert yg berbayar dan mahal plak tu pn ramai gler org pegi..
nanti jadi rusuhan macam kat China, ade org meninggal.. hurm..
*p/s: mau pegi jugak la.. :D
Sunday, April 17, 2011
silence punishment..
what do u think about it? urm.. i hate it when people give me silence punishment.. u know, when u've done something wrong, but no one tell u what's the thing that u've did, but everyone just ignore and don't want to talk to you.. and u keep wondering to urself "what i've done..? did I do something wrong..?" okeyh, that's silence punishment.
which one do u prefer? people keep quiet and ignore u or just tell u what's ur mistakes are.. hurm.. i'm not sure either..
i know this post kind of half way finished, hehe.. i'm just lazy to write all of it.. bye..
*p/s: exam exam exam.. for "you", just continue what u've been doing..i hope u're happy with it!
which one do u prefer? people keep quiet and ignore u or just tell u what's ur mistakes are.. hurm.. i'm not sure either..
i know this post kind of half way finished, hehe.. i'm just lazy to write all of it.. bye..
*p/s: exam exam exam.. for "you", just continue what u've been doing..i hope u're happy with it!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
start ngan assalamualaikum.. happy mode :)
met my family yesterday,. rase cam Hari Raya pn ade gak, jalan2 cari makan dari satu umah ke satu umah.. sb mak n ayah datang, so join la diorang melawat sanak saudara kt sini..
and,, unfortunately had to cancel 2 promises i've made with my friends.. kind of feel bad for them.. dua2 promises tu dgn different person at different location, but at the same day and time.. since i'm meeting my family, so ade good reason to cancel those promises.. susah nk wt keputusan nk pegi yg mane satu, sb nti feel bad tuk satu lagi,. last2, cancel both of them.. hehe.. memang nk jmpe sgt korang, tp xdapat.. sorry yer.. :)
Facts about Libra: suka ambil jalan tengah.. hurm, jalan tengah ke ni?
*p/s: proposal presentation next week.. dap dip dup~~
met my family yesterday,. rase cam Hari Raya pn ade gak, jalan2 cari makan dari satu umah ke satu umah.. sb mak n ayah datang, so join la diorang melawat sanak saudara kt sini..
and,, unfortunately had to cancel 2 promises i've made with my friends.. kind of feel bad for them.. dua2 promises tu dgn different person at different location, but at the same day and time.. since i'm meeting my family, so ade good reason to cancel those promises.. susah nk wt keputusan nk pegi yg mane satu, sb nti feel bad tuk satu lagi,. last2, cancel both of them.. hehe.. memang nk jmpe sgt korang, tp xdapat.. sorry yer.. :)
Facts about Libra: suka ambil jalan tengah.. hurm, jalan tengah ke ni?
*p/s: proposal presentation next week.. dap dip dup~~
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
have no mood to do anything today.. skip class again,.
what am i going to do with myself lately? i'm skipping the classes likes it's nothing important for me.. i've becoming worse than the last semester..
usually i'm not like this, it's hard for me to skip the class without any reason.. but like people always say, when u start to do something bad and having no bad consequences after doing it, then u will do it again.. so, it will became ur habits,. n u know what..? bad habits are hard to stop..
the class on the evening today, feel like skipping it again.. ;p
hope i came to my sense before it's not too late..
*p/s: rase cam nk demam pn ade ni..
what am i going to do with myself lately? i'm skipping the classes likes it's nothing important for me.. i've becoming worse than the last semester..
usually i'm not like this, it's hard for me to skip the class without any reason.. but like people always say, when u start to do something bad and having no bad consequences after doing it, then u will do it again.. so, it will became ur habits,. n u know what..? bad habits are hard to stop..
the class on the evening today, feel like skipping it again.. ;p
hope i came to my sense before it's not too late..
*p/s: rase cam nk demam pn ade ni..
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
the question mark,..
lot's of question going around in my mind lately.. some of the questions i've already know the answer, but some of them still make me having headache..
should have consult with someone, but i don't know who.. it's just my problem that sometime i can't trust no one, not even myself,.
in the end, just sit in the corner of my room and cry myself out.. it's better rite?
*p/s: can't wait to finish this semester..
should have consult with someone, but i don't know who.. it's just my problem that sometime i can't trust no one, not even myself,.
in the end, just sit in the corner of my room and cry myself out.. it's better rite?
*p/s: can't wait to finish this semester..
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Super Junior: Super Show 3 in Malaysia
Super Show 3 – The Third Asia Tour
Date: SAT 19 March 2011
Time: 6 PM
Venue: Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil
Rock Pitt RM 480
Terrace Seats RM 480
Balcony Seats RM 370
Partial Restricted View RM 220
Launch of Ticket Sale Event for Super Junior’s SUPER SHOW 3 in Kuala Lumpur
Venue: Sungei Wang Mall
Date: 19th February 2011
Time: 10 AM – 10 PM
Online Ticket Sales at (20 Feb – 19 March 2011)
Available Online and at all AirAsiaRedTix outlets Island-wide (Malaysia) .
Time and Date (Start of Online/Outlet sales : 20th FEB | 12 Noon
*thanks to :)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
such a hard thing to do..
well, new semester had already started.. so, been very busy lately.. + with the internet soooo slow in this area.. huh..
now, i'm thinking what i should do for the fyp? i've no interest in any area.. no strength in any area.. overall, i'm just average in everything i do.. so, how to decide the topic ah?
been having headache since the class started.. not feeling so well since i've left my brain not working for more than one month, n now i'm using it all up to think for the topic for my fyp.. huhu..
*p/s: just a random post.. i'm kind of fed up right now.. hurm..
now, i'm thinking what i should do for the fyp? i've no interest in any area.. no strength in any area.. overall, i'm just average in everything i do.. so, how to decide the topic ah?
been having headache since the class started.. not feeling so well since i've left my brain not working for more than one month, n now i'm using it all up to think for the topic for my fyp.. huhu..
*p/s: just a random post.. i'm kind of fed up right now.. hurm..
Saturday, January 1, 2011
~Happy New Year~
hai =)
first entry for 2011,. happy new year sume.. :)
okeyh,, semalam pegi sambut new year kt dataran merdeka.. first time dlm idup sambut new year kt situ.. tahun2 sebelum ni biase kami satu family pegi stadium sultan muhammad ke-iv tuk sambut new year and merdeka.. so, this year since i'm staying at my uncle house, pegi la kt dataran merdeka,.
ramai nyer yg datang.. n ramai jgk peniaga.. memang meriah la..
first entry for 2011,. happy new year sume.. :)
okeyh,, semalam pegi sambut new year kt dataran merdeka.. first time dlm idup sambut new year kt situ.. tahun2 sebelum ni biase kami satu family pegi stadium sultan muhammad ke-iv tuk sambut new year and merdeka.. so, this year since i'm staying at my uncle house, pegi la kt dataran merdeka,.

mula-mula,. pak cik plan nk g ngan LRT, pastu die plak cancel ckp pegi ngan kete.. so, pegi la ngan kete, smpai sane jalan tutup n xde parking.. DBKL sedia menunggu tuk tarik kete yg parking merata-rata, bgus betul diorang.. :)
sb xde parking patah blek cari stesen LRT yg dekat dgn tempat tu, tp jalan amatlah jem.. aku smpai siap tertdo lg.. huhu.. then sedar2, dh smpai kt stesen LRT Maluri.. so, naik LRT dr sane pegi Dataran merdeka.. trun dr umah kul9, smpai sane kul 11.30.. haha..
sb xde parking patah blek cari stesen LRT yg dekat dgn tempat tu, tp jalan amatlah jem.. aku smpai siap tertdo lg.. huhu.. then sedar2, dh smpai kt stesen LRT Maluri.. so, naik LRT dr sane pegi Dataran merdeka.. trun dr umah kul9, smpai sane kul 11.30.. haha..
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